referencing one commit in another for git

Alan Somers asomers at
Wed Dec 23 22:21:08 UTC 2020

On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 3:16 PM Rick Macklem <rmacklem at> wrote:

> Hi,
> So I just did my first git commit. Pretty scary, but it looks ok.
> Now, how do I reference one commit in another related
> commit's log?
> By the long winded hash or ??
> I'm not sure if I should ask here or on the git mailing list,
> but I figured this isn't a technical git question...
> Thanks for any help with this, rick

Yeah, you should use the full hash.  For temporary references, like during
a code review, you can use the first "several" digits of the hash.   For a
project of FreeBSD's size, "several" is probably 11-13.  But in permanent
contexts, like commit logs, you should use the full hash.  When somebody
views the commit on a platform like Github, Github will automatically turn
it into a hyperlink, and display only the first "several" digits.

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