FreeBSD-CURRENT src: pulling without pushing: example Git commands to clone then update

Graham Perrin grahamperrin at
Wed Dec 23 15:31:31 UTC 2020

On 23/12/2020 10:13, Johan Hendriks wrote:

> … For me and i think a lot of regular users that do not push just 
> pull, a simple page with the exact commands to track stable or head is 
> very appreciated.
> Like svnlite update /usr/src replace with git pull .... and so on and 
> an example for head, stable or release will push most people in the 
> right direction. … 


Guided mostly by the documentation:

1. with /usr/src as an empty working directory
2. the command below, just once

git clone -o freebsd -b main --depth 1 

(I do not foresee me committing, and I had no immediate interest in 

Subsequent updates

portsnap auto && git -C /usr/src/freebsd-current pull --ff-only && echo 
"FreeBSD-CURRENT Git revision: " && git -C /usr/src/freebsd-current 
rev-list --count HEAD

– take what you like from that. Not intended to be an exact command for 
other users, but it suits me.

Context: <>


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