Problems with AMDGPU and two grafic cards

mms.vanbreukelingen at mms.vanbreukelingen at
Fri Oct 18 22:07:31 UTC 2019

Hi Pete, 
did BIOS update,  has been critical.  in the meantime with lot o'luck I got the scfb-driver to work but only in 1024x76 (but the bios-logo starting in 1920x1280) and with 'dbus-launch kstart5 plasmashell' I have a root-login to plasmashell. 
I guess I can add further video-modes to the driver in xorg.conf or set the boot kernel option for 1920x1280 but now, after two days with just 3 hours of sleep, I'm too tired and grateful enough it did graphics at all. 
The CD-medium has been from february and didn't do 'mode 5' on loaders prompt,  the one I have now is setting up /usr/src with 1920x1080 (I just thought on 1280x1024, that's a resolution where you really need an expensive screen. 
It's a ASUS r7240-o4gd5-L (GB, DVI, HDMI, Active, LP) and the Ryzen 7 has 2700MhZ. X. 
Building llvm-devel now,  tried all kmods,  all the same old story. A delete of # before hw. syscons.disable=1 is attached.  *g*
Now with the new base resolution I will get lightdm or even sddm to run my hopes after 35 hours behind screens. 

Yours, MMS 

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