Reverting -current by date.

Mark Millard marklmi at
Wed Nov 20 22:52:27 UTC 2019

On 2019-Nov-20, at 14:28, Julian Elischer <julian at> wrote:

> On 11/20/19 1:51 PM, Mark Millard wrote:
>> Bob P. wrote for an aarch64 context:
>>> From time to time it would be handy to revert freebsd-current to
>>> an older, well-behaved revision.
>>> Is there a mechanism for identifying revision numbers that
>>> will at least compile and boot, by date?
>>> In my case buildworld seems to be markedly slower than, say,
>>> six months ago. Maybe it's hardware, maybe something else. Is
>>> there a way to pick a revision number to revert to, that's
>>> better than merely guessing?
>> You can explore the history of installable world/kernel materials
>> at places matching the pattern:
> I find that is good enough to allow exploration of revisions. If you add a revision in the given field you will only see revs show up that are older than that.

The difference is my suggestion shows examples of builds that completed
and produced world and kernel materials. (But looking around is messier.
At least shows dates too.)
Plus, he might at times be able to avoid building by using the *.txz
files to advantage.

I use as well, but not to directly find
examples that built or materials that avoid my needing to build. It can
help decide what to explore under when such material are

Unfortunately for Bob P., no suggestion can meet his full criteria. So
he has several suggestions to potentially pick from or to use in

>> . . .

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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