Reverting -current by date.

Mark Millard marklmi at
Wed Nov 20 21:51:35 UTC 2019

Bob P. wrote for an aarch64 context:

> From time to time it would be handy to revert freebsd-current to
> an older, well-behaved revision. 
> Is there a mechanism for identifying revision numbers that
> will at least compile and boot, by date? 
> In my case buildworld seems to be markedly slower than, say,
> six months ago. Maybe it's hardware, maybe something else. Is
> there a way to pick a revision number to revert to, that's
> better than merely guessing? 

You can explore the history of installable world/kernel materials
at places matching the pattern:*/arm64/aarch64/*

Some r* will exist without having arm64/aarch64 material but having
mateirals for other platforms. The * matches a svn revision number.

These are from builds, not the announced/released
snaphots. These go back a long ways. does not try
to build every svn revision. (It does not build that fast relative
to svn updating.)

I sometimes use these for approximate bisection without building.

materials are compressed tar archives (*.txz) and a MANIFEST file.
bsdinstall uses these files, although I've at times done basic
testing activities based on just manually expanding the tars.

(The materials do not span u-boot or other such and need to have
file system(s) to expand into.)

(From a different message:)
> I hoped for a more mechanical approach. For example, snapshots are 
> generated from time to time. Presumably, they're vetted in some way
> and knowing what revisions made it to the snapshot stage might be a
> starting point. The snapshot server does not appear to contain that
> information for earlier offerings. 

Snapshots are not vetted as far as I know --and sometimes do not boot
in contexts that I've tried. This applies both to
materials and the announced snapshots put under .

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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