poudriere extract failures with TAR=/usr/local/bin/gtar with gtar from ports

Graham Perrin grahamperrin at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 05:17:50 UTC 2018

For example:

> [00:01:10] [02] [00:00:19] Finished www/qt5-webkit | qt5-webkit-5.212.0.a2_13: Failed: extract

In full:


root at momh167-gjp4-hpelitebook8570p-freebsd:~ # date ; uname -v ; pkg upgrade -f -r poudriere archivers/gtar
Tue 16 Oct 2018 06:03:24 BST
Updating poudriere repository catalogue...
poudriere repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
        gtar-1.30 [poudriere]

Number of packages to be reinstalled: 1

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/1] Reinstalling gtar-1.30...
[1/1] Extracting gtar-1.30: 100%
root at momh167-gjp4-hpelitebook8570p-freebsd:~ # nano /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf

  GNU nano 3.1                                         /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf                                                   

# <https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-current/2018-October/071704.html>

root at momh167-gjp4-hpelitebook8570p-freebsd:~ # date ; poudriere ports -u ; poudriere bulk -j current www/otter-browser
Tue 16 Oct 2018 06:04:04 BST
[00:00:00] Updating portstree "default" with portsnap...Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 6 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from ec2-eu-west-1.portsnap.freebsd.org... done.
Ports tree hasn't changed since last snapshot.
No updates needed.
Ports tree is already up to date.
[00:00:00] Creating the reference jail... done
[00:00:01] Mounting system devices for current-default
[00:00:01] Mounting ports/packages/distfiles
[00:00:01] Stashing existing package repository
[00:00:01] Mounting ccache from: /var/cache/ccache
[00:00:01] Mounting packages from: /usr/local/poudriere/data/packages/current-default
[00:00:01] Copying /var/db/ports from: /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/current-options
[00:00:01] Appending to make.conf: /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf
/etc/resolv.conf -> /usr/local/poudriere/data/.m/current-default/ref/etc/resolv.conf
[00:00:01] Starting jail current-default
[00:00:04] Logs: /usr/local/poudriere/data/logs/bulk/current-default/2018-10-16_06h04m05s
[00:00:05] Loading MOVED for /usr/local/poudriere/data/.m/current-default/ref/usr/ports
[00:00:06] Ports supports: FLAVORS SELECTED_OPTIONS
[00:00:06] Gathering ports metadata
[00:00:14] Calculating ports order and dependencies
[00:00:16] Sanity checking the repository
[00:00:16] Checking packages for incremental rebuild needs
[00:00:43] Deleting stale symlinks... done
[00:00:43] Deleting empty directories... done
[00:00:43] Cleaning the build queue
[00:00:43] Sanity checking build queue
[00:00:43] Processing PRIORITY_BOOST
[00:00:43] Balancing pool
[00:00:43] Recording filesystem state for prepkg... done
[00:00:49] Building 3 packages using 2 builders
[00:00:49] Starting/Cloning builders
[00:00:51] Hit CTRL+t at any time to see build progress and stats
[00:00:51] [01] [00:00:00] Building www/qt5-webengine | qt5-webengine-5.9.5_8
[00:00:51] [02] [00:00:00] Building www/qt5-webkit | qt5-webkit-5.212.0.a2_13
[00:01:10] [02] [00:00:19] Finished www/qt5-webkit | qt5-webkit-5.212.0.a2_13: Failed: extract
[00:01:10] [02] [00:00:19] Skipping www/otter-browser | otter-browser- Dependent port www/qt5-webkit | qt5-webkit-5.212.0.a2_13 failed
[00:01:29] [01] [00:00:38] Finished www/qt5-webengine | qt5-webengine-5.9.5_8: Failed: extract
[00:01:30] Stopping 2 builders
[00:01:36] No package built, no need to update the repository
[00:01:36] Committing packages to repository
[00:01:37] Removing old packages
[00:01:37] Failed ports: www/qt5-webkit:extract www/qt5-webengine:extract
[00:01:37] Skipped ports: www/otter-browser
[current-default] [2018-10-16_06h04m05s] [committing:] Queued: 3  Built: 0  Failed: 2  Skipped: 1  Ignored: 0  Tobuild: 0   Time: 00:01:33
[00:01:37] Logs: /usr/local/poudriere/data/logs/bulk/current-default/2018-10-16_06h04m05s
[00:01:37] Cleaning up
[00:01:37] Unmounting file systems
root at momh167-gjp4-hpelitebook8570p-freebsd:~ #

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