anyone in the Boston area with time this week?

Gary Jennejohn gljennjohn at
Mon Sep 25 06:46:43 UTC 2017

On Sun, 24 Sep 2017 20:57:20 +0000
Rick Macklem <rmacklem at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I really doubt that there is anyone out there interested in
> doing this, but I figured it can't hurt asking...  RedHat is
> hosting a NFSv4 testing event at their facility at 34 Littleton
> Rd Westford, MA 01186 next week.  There is no fee for
> attendance, but you need to physically be there to help with
> testing.  (They are actually fairly interesting events, with
> engineers from various vendors testing their code.)

Historical note:

I actually attended one of these events at Sun in 1985 and it really
was interesting.

But I now live in Germany, so no way I can attend this one.

> Anyhow, I have a pNFS server using Flexible Files Layout (and
> something called "tightly coupled") that could be tested.  You
> would basically need to show up with a couple of FreeBSD
> systems (or VMs with different IP addresses) set up with this
> server.
> If anyone is interested, email and I can fill you in, rick ps: 
> And, yes, I realize this is last minute.  I just didn't think
> to email sooner.

Gary Jennejohn

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