if_igb.ko symbolic link generation is still messed up in that it hard wires the path at installkernel time, messing up copying to other places

Simon J. Gerraty sjg at juniper.net
Sat Sep 9 22:32:36 UTC 2017

Mark Millard <markmi at dsl-only.net> wrote:
> # ls -lTt /media/boot/kernel/if_igb.ko /mnt/boot/kerndb/if_igb.ko
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  25 Sep  8 22:47:36 2017 /mnt/boot/kerndb/if_igb.ko -> /mnt/boot/kernel/if_em.ko
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  68 Sep  6 20:27:20 2017 /media/boot/kernel/if_igb.ko -> /usr/obj/DESTDIRs/clang-cortexA53-installkernel/boot/kernel/if_em.ko
> In both of these cases the /mnt and /usr/obj/DESTDIRs/ prefixes
> would not exist for booting the PINE64 that the USB SSD is for:
> so file not found if a usage attempt is made.

Yes, when making symlinks in presence of DESTDIR, the src should have
$DESTDIR removed - the following should usually be safe:

ln -s ${src#$DESTDIR} $DESTDIR${target#$DESTDIR}

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