Bug in make setting wrong MAKESYSPATH

Simon J. Gerraty sjg at juniper.net
Tue May 23 16:02:37 UTC 2017

Thomas Mueller <mueller6722 at twc.com> wrote:
> It seems to me that MAKESYSPATH should match the host building system
> FreeBSD version.

Which would only be correct if building the same version of FreeBSD as
is running on the host.
Many folk work on multiple branches on the same machine.

Thus for anyone working on src/ there is no guarantee that /usr/share/mk
is even remotely correct.

So you either buy into the idea of using a wrapper script and canned
.env file for each tree (that's what I do;
http://www.crufty.net/sjg/docs/sb-tools.htm) to ensure correct 
settings per tree (whether FreeBSD, NetBSD, ...), or you compromise and
have 'make' itself try to find the "correct" share/mk for whereever it is.
This is why the default MAKESYSPATH starts with .../share/mk

> Now I believe the correct syntax for setting MAKESYSPATH in .cshrc and .profile would be
> export MAKESYSPATH=/usr/share/mk  # for .profile, or
> setenv MAKESYSPATH /usr/share/mk  # for .cshrc

Yes, but requires you to keep /usr/share/mk in sync with whatever you a
building, tricky if you build head, stable/10 and stable/11 on the
same box.


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