Enabling NUMA in BIOS stop booting FreeBSD

A. Wilcox AWilcox at Wilcox-Tech.com
Mon Dec 12 22:20:57 UTC 2016

>>>> Try the debugging patch below, which unconditionally disables import of
>>>> previous buffer.  To test, you would need to boot, then frob options in
>>>> BIOS, reboot, again frob etc.
>>> still need test patch? if yes, with BIOS options?
>> Yes, please test the patch.  I explained the procedure above.
> sorry, i don't know 'frob'.
> what exactly options combination I need test and what about memory test?

The idea is that when rebooting, stale memory contents remain, but are
corrupted due to interleave.

"Frob" basically means "mess with".  So apply patch, test kernel,
reboot, change NUMA option, reboot again, see if it works, and so on.
Basically repeat your test with the NUMA=on interleave=on, NUMA=off
interleave=on, etc etc.


A. Wilcox (awilfox)
Open-source programmer (C, C++, Python)

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