Slow shutdown

Ranjan1018 . 214748mv at
Mon May 25 19:33:51 UTC 2015

2015-05-24 22:33 GMT+02:00 Garrett Cooper <yaneurabeya at>:

> On May 24, 2015, at 6:33, Ranjan1018 . <214748mv at> wrote:
> > On my laptop running r283297, after the message “All buffers synced.” and
> > before “Uptime: …..” it takes more than 55 seconds.
> Not a lot of info here to diagnose your issue...
> - What happens if you hit control-t, i.e. what wait channel does it print
> out?
control-t doesn't works.

> - What filesystems do you have mounted (fuse, NFS, UFS, ZFS)?
ZFS and NTFS via fuse, removing NTFS mount doesn't reduce the shutdown time.

> - What’s your root media (SSDs, SATA/PATA hard drives, etc)?

> Thanks..
Thanks to you.

I noticed that with  the command ‘shutdown -h now’ the phrase “The
operating system has halted. Please press any key to reboot.” is missing,
pressing a key the laptop reboots.


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