Why status and poll could not run with defaullt?

KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko kiri at kx.openedu.org
Thu Dec 18 02:24:25 UTC 2014


Why status and poll diectives could not run in rc.d scripts
with default? According to comment about run_rc_command

# run_rc_command argument
#	Search for argument in the list of supported commands, which is:
#		"start stop restart rcvar status poll ${extra_commands}"
#	If there's a match, run ${argument}_cmd or the default method
#	(see below).

status and poll directives must be run with default. Or
possibly bug in rc.subr?  I put diff below just to be make

--- /etc/rc.subr.org	2014-12-18 10:47:37.840647413 +0900
+++ /etc/rc.subr	2014-12-18 10:50:40.645634816 +0900
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@
 	eval _override_command=\$${name}_program
-	_keywords="start stop restart rcvar enabled $extra_commands"
+	_keywords="start stop restart rcvar status poll enabled $extra_commands"

Kazuhiko Kiriyama
kiri at OpenEdu.org

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