Bug in virtio-net

Peter Grehan grehan at freebsd.org
Tue Dec 9 17:40:43 UTC 2014

Hi Shawn,

>> ​I doubt this has anything to do with vtnet. My guess is that
>> netisr_proto[NETISR_ETHER].np_handler(m) is ​NULL for some reason. Do
>> you have a dump?
> core.txt is attached. I've also uploaded it to the link below in case
> the attachment is scrubbed.
> http://0xfeedface.org/~shawn/2014-12-08_2028_core.txt

  Is the core dump available ?

  As Bryan mentioned, this is a NULL function pointer deref and not a 
data access so is possibly related to corruption of data structures 
rather than a bug in the virtio driver. The core dump would be able to 
point to what went wrong.



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