ZFS: Invalid SEND/RECV stream still

Garrett Wollman wollman at hergotha.csail.mit.edu
Fri Oct 25 19:33:10 UTC 2013

In article <c0a42b456769e22f908e689a1de56c82 at webmail.lerctr.org>,
Larry Rosenman  <ler at lerctr.org> wrote:

>Error Message:
>received 320KB stream in 1 seconds (320KB/sec)
>receiving incremental stream of vault/var at 2013-10-25 into 
>zroot/backups/TBH/var at 2013-10-25
>cannot receive incremental stream: invalid backup stream

I've seen this happen in one very specific case: if the receiving
machine is doing automatic snapshots, and happens to do a snapshot of
the filesystem being received *while it's being received*.  In that
case, it appears that the filesystem on disk gets subtly corrupted,
and the only remedy is to destroy it on the receiving machine and
start all over (making sure to disable automatic snapshots this time).

"zfs receive -F" will rollback snapshots made on the receiving system
that don't exist on the sending system, but it only does this at the
beginning of the stream -- it can't prevent further snapshots from
being taken during reception of an incremental stream which foul up
the works.


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