[CFT] Patch to bsdinstall to support root-on-ZFS and GELI

Allan Jude freebsd at allanjude.com
Thu Oct 10 03:10:23 UTC 2013

I've built up a fresh image with all of the latest changes.

All known bugs are fixed:

1. problems if you restart a GELI based installation (preemptively run
geli detach)
2. problem with GELI+MBR resulting in swap partition being in the wrong
place (swap ended up as s1d instead of s1b)
3. prompt for the password once, instead of 18 times in the case of a 6
disk array
4. even more preemptive zpool labelclear for MBR to kill zombies
5. fixed the mis-scoping of a variable that resulting in the zpool using
the entire device, and making the system unbootable

Other Improvements
1. Better vdev type validation, do not allow the user to make an invalid
selection, if they do prompt them to either cancel or select again
2. change the default name of the unencrypted pool from 'gelipool' to
'bootpool', since gelipool implies it is encrypted when it is not

Attached is a patch against recent head

Below are some re-built ALPHA5 .isos that you can use for testing



Allan Jude

-------------- next part --------------
Index: usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/device.subr
--- usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/device.subr	(revision 256194)
+++ usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/device.subr	(working copy)
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ f_struct_define DEVICE \
 	desc		\
 	devname		\
 	type		\
+	capacity	\
 	enabled		\
 	init		\
 	get		\
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ f_device_try()
 # f_device_register $name $desc $devname $type $enabled $init_function \
-#                   $get_function $shutdown_function $private
+#                   $get_function $shutdown_function $private $capacity
 # Register a device. A `structure' (see struct.subr) is created with the name
 # device_$name (so make sure $name contains only alpha-numeric characters or
@@ -128,6 +129,7 @@ f_device_register()
 	local name="$1" desc="$2" devname="$3" type="$4" enabled="$5"
 	local init_func="$6" get_func="$7" shutdown_func="$8" private="$9"
+	local capacity="${10}"
 	f_struct_new DEVICE "device_$name" || return $FAILURE
 	device_$name set name     "$name"
@@ -139,6 +141,7 @@ f_device_register()
 	device_$name set get      "$get_func"
 	device_$name set shutdown "$shutdown_func"
 	device_$name set private  "$private"
+	device_$name set capacity "$capacity"
 	# Scan our global register to see if it needs ammending
 	local dev found=
@@ -196,7 +199,7 @@ f_device_get_all()
 		f_dprintf "Found a network device named %s" "$devname"
 		f_device_register $devname \
 			"$desc" "$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK 1 \
-			f_media_init_network "" f_media_shutdown_network ""
+			f_media_init_network "" f_media_shutdown_network "" -1
 	# Next, try to find all the types of devices one might use
@@ -208,6 +211,10 @@ f_device_get_all()
 		n=$(( $n + 1 ))
 		# Get the desc, type, and max (with debugging disabled)
 		# NOTE: Bypassing f_device_name_get() for efficiency
+		# ASIDE: This would be equivalent to the following:
+		# 	debug= f_device_name_get $dev desc
+		# 	debug= f_device_name_get $dev type
+		# 	debug= f_device_name_get $dev max
 		debug= f_getvar _device_desc$n desc
 		debug= f_getvar _device_type$n type
 		debug= f_getvar _device_max$n max
@@ -222,7 +229,8 @@ f_device_get_all()
 				f_device_register "${devname##*/}" "$desc" \
 					"$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM 1 \
 					f_media_init_cdrom f_media_get_cdrom \
-					f_media_shutdown_cdrom ""
+					f_media_shutdown_cdrom "" \
+					"$( f_device_capacity "$devname" )"
 				f_dprintf "Found a CDROM device for %s" \
@@ -232,7 +240,8 @@ f_device_get_all()
 					"$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_FLOPPY 1 \
 					f_media_init_floppy \
 					f_media_get_floppy \
-					f_media_shutdown_floppy ""
+					f_media_shutdown_floppy "" \
+					"$( f_device_capacity "$devname" )"
 				f_dprintf "Found a floppy device for %s" \
@@ -241,7 +250,8 @@ f_device_get_all()
 				f_device_register "${devname##*/}" "$desc" \
 					"$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_USB 1 \
 					f_media_init_usb f_media_get_usb \
-					f_media_shutdown_usb ""
+					f_media_shutdown_usb "" \
+					"$( f_device_capacity "$devname" )"
 				f_dprintf "Found a USB disk for %s" "$devname"
@@ -254,7 +264,8 @@ f_device_get_all()
 		f_device_register "${devname##*/}" "ISO9660 file system" \
 			"$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM 1 \
 			f_media_init_cdrom f_media_get_cdrom \
-			f_media_shutdown_cdrom ""
+			f_media_shutdown_cdrom "" \
+			"$( f_device_capacity "$devname" )"
 		f_dprintf "Found a CDROM device for %s" "$devname"
@@ -281,7 +292,8 @@ f_device_get_all()
 				"md(4) vnode file system" \
 				"$devname" $DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM 1 \
 				f_media_init_cdrom f_media_get_cdrom \
-				f_media_shutdown_cdrom ""
+				f_media_shutdown_cdrom "" \
+				"$( f_device_capacity "$devname" )"
 			f_dprintf "Found a CDROM device for %s" "$devname"
@@ -313,8 +325,13 @@ f_device_get_all()
-		f_device_register "$diskname" "" \
-		                  "/dev/$diskname" $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK 0
+		# Try and find its description
+		f_device_desc "$diskname" $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK desc
+		f_device_register "$diskname" "$desc" \
+		                  "/dev/$diskname" $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK 0 \
+		                  "" "" "" "" \
+		                  "$( f_device_capacity "$diskname" )"
 		f_dprintf "Found a disk device named %s" "$diskname"
 		# Look for existing partitions to register
@@ -327,7 +344,8 @@ f_device_get_all()
 				f_device_register "$slice" "" \
 					"/dev/$slice" $DEVICE_TYPE_DOS 1 \
 					f_media_init_dos f_media_get_dos \
-					f_media_shutdown_dos ""
+					f_media_shutdown_dos "" \
+					"$( f_device_capacity "/dev/$slice" )"
 				f_dprintf "Found a DOS partition %s" "$slice"
 			0xa5) # FreeBSD partition
@@ -347,7 +365,9 @@ f_device_get_all()
 						$DEVICE_TYPE_UFS 1 \
 						f_media_init_ufs \
 						f_media_get_ufs \
-						f_media_shutdown_ufs ""
+						f_media_shutdown_ufs "" \
+						"$( f_device_capacity \
+							"$/dev/$part" )"
 					f_dprintf "Found a UFS partition %s" \
 				done # parts
@@ -379,10 +399,27 @@ f_device_name_get()
 	case "$__prop" in type|desc|max) : good ;;
 	*) return $FAILURE; esac
+	#
+	# Attempt to create an alternate-form of $__name that contains the
+	# first contiguous string of numbers replaced with `%d' for comparison
+	# against stored pattern names (see MAIN).
+	#
+	local __left="${__name%%[0-9]*}" __right="${__name#*[0-9]}" __dname=
+	if [ "$__left" != "$__name" ]; then
+		# Chop leading digits from right 'til we hit first non-digit
+		while :; do
+			case "$__right" in
+			[0-9]*) __right="${__right#[0-9]}" ;;
+			     *) break
+			esac
+		done
+		__dname="${__left}%d$__right"
+	fi
 	[ "$__type" = "$DEVICE_TYPE_ANY" ] && __type=
 	for __dev in $DEVICE_NAMES; do
 		__n=$(( $__n + 1 ))
-		[ "$__dev" = "$__name" ] || continue
+		[ "$__dev" = "$__name" -o "$__dev" = "$__dname" ] || continue
 		f_getvar _device_type$__n __devtype
 		[ "${__type:-$__devtype}" = "$__devtype" ] || continue
 		f_getvar _device_$__prop$__n $__var_to_set
@@ -463,6 +500,39 @@ f_device_desc()
+	#
+	# For disks, attempt to return camcontrol(8) descriptions.
+	# Otherwise fall through to below static list.
+	#
+	f_have camcontrol &&
+	[ "${__type:-$DEVICE_TYPE_DISK}" = "$DEVICE_TYPE_DISK" ] &&
+	__cp=$( camcontrol devlist 2> /dev/null | awk -v disk="$__name" '
+		$0~"(\\(|,)"disk"(,|\\))" {
+			if (!match($0, "<[^>]+>")) next
+			print substr($0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-2)
+			found = 1
+			exit
+		}
+		END { exit ! found }
+	' ) && setvar "$__var_to_set" "$__cp" && return $SUCCESS
+	#
+	# Attempt to create an alternate-form of $__name that contains the
+	# first contiguous string of numbers replaced with `%d' for comparison
+	# against stored pattern names (see MAIN).
+	#
+	local __left="${__name%%[0-9]*}" __right="${__name#*[0-9]}" __dname=
+	if [ "$__left" != "$__name" ]; then
+		# Chop leading digits from right 'til we hit first non-digit
+		while :; do
+			case "$__right" in
+			[0-9]*) __right="${__right#[0-9]}" ;;
+			     *) break
+			esac
+		done
+		__dname="${__left}%d$__right"
+	fi
 	local __dev __devtype __n=0
 	for __dev in $DEVICE_NAMES; do
 		__n=$(( $__n + 1 ))
@@ -472,11 +542,8 @@ f_device_desc()
 			__devname=$( f_substr "$__name" 0 ${#__dev} )
 			[ "$__devname" = "$__dev" ] || continue
-			__devname="${__name%%[0-9]*}"
-			__devunit="${__name#$__devname}"
-			__devunit="${__devunit%%[!0-9]*}"
-			__devname=$( printf "$__dev" $__devunit )
-			[ "$__devname" = "$__name" ] || continue
+			[ "$__dev" = "$__name" -o "$__dev" = "$__dname" ] ||
+				continue
 		debug= f_getvar _device_desc$__n $__var_to_set
 		return $?
@@ -655,7 +722,26 @@ f_device_menu()
 	return $retval
+# f_device_capacity $device [$var_to_set]
+# Return the capacity of $device in bytes.
+	local __dev="$1" __var_to_set="$2"
+	local __bytes
+	__bytes=$( diskinfo -v "$__dev" 2> /dev/null |
+		awk '/# mediasize in bytes/{print $1}' ) || __bytes=-1
+	if [ "$__var_to_set" ]; then
+		setvar "$__var_to_set" "$__bytes"
+	else
+		echo "$__bytes"
+	fi
 # Short-hand
 f_cdrom()   {  f_device_name_set $DEVICE_TYPE_CDROM   "$1" "$2" "$3";  }
@@ -680,6 +766,7 @@ f_disk   "ipsd%d" "IBM ServeRAID RAID array"
 f_disk   "mfid%d" "LSI MegaRAID SAS array"            4
 f_disk   "mlxd%d" "Mylex RAID disk"                   4
 f_disk   "twed%d" "3ware ATA RAID array"              4
+f_disk   "vtbd%d" "VirtIO Block Device"               16
 f_floppy "fd%d"   "Floppy Drive unit A"               4
 f_serial "cuau%d" "%s on device %s (COM%d)"           16
 f_usb    "da%da"  "USB Mass Storage Device"           16
Index: usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/strings.subr
--- usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/strings.subr	(revision 256194)
+++ usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/strings.subr	(working copy)
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ if [ ! "$_STRINGS_SUBR" ]; then _STRINGS_SUBR=1
 # $FreeBSD$
+############################################################ INCLUDES
+. $BSDCFG_SHARE/common.subr || exit 1
 ############################################################ GLOBALS
@@ -319,6 +324,112 @@ f_shell_unescape()
 	f_replaceall "$__string" "'\\''" "'" "$__var_to_set"
+# f_expand_number $string [$var_to_set]
+# Unformat $string into a number, optionally to be stored in $var_to_set. This
+# function follows the SI power of two convention.
+# The prefixes are:
+# 	Prefix	Description	Multiplier
+# 	k	kilo		1024
+# 	M	mega		1048576
+# 	G	giga		1073741824
+# 	T	tera		1099511627776
+# 	P	peta		1125899906842624
+# 	E	exa		1152921504606846976
+# NOTE: Prefixes are case-insensitive.
+# Upon successful completion, the value 0 is returned (or stored to
+# $var_to_set); otherwise -1. Reasons for a -1 return include:
+# 	Given $string contains no digits.
+# 	An unrecognized prefix was given.
+# 	Result too large to calculate.
+	local __string="$1" __var_to_set="$2"
+	local __cp __num
+	# Remove any leading non-digits
+	while :; do
+		__cp="$__string"
+		__string="${__cp#[!0-9]}"
+		[ "$__string" = "$__cp" ] && break
+	done
+	# Return `-1' if string didn't contain any digits
+	if [ ! "$__string" ]; then
+		if [ "$__var_to_set" ]; then
+			setvar "$__var_to_set" -1
+		else
+			echo -1
+		fi
+		return $FAILURE
+	fi
+	# Store the numbers
+	__num="${__string%%[!0-9]*}"
+	# Shortcut
+	if [ $__num -eq 0 ]; then
+		if [ "$__var_to_set" ]; then
+			setvar "$__var_to_set" 0
+		else
+			echo 0
+		fi
+		return $SUCCESS
+	fi
+	# Remove all the leading numbers from the string to get at the prefix
+	while :; do
+		__cp="$__string"
+		__string="${__cp#[0-9]}"
+		[ "$__string" = "$__cp" ] && break
+	done
+	# Test for invalid prefix
+	case "$__string" in
+	""|[KkMmGgTtPpEe]*) : known prefix ;;
+	*)
+		# Unknown prefix
+		if [ "$__var_to_set" ]; then
+			setvar "$__var_to_set" -1
+		else
+			echo -1
+		fi
+		return $FAILURE
+	esac
+	# Multiply the number out
+	case "$__string" in
+	[Kk]) __num=$(( $__num * 1024 )) ;;
+	[Mm]) __num=$(( $__num * 1048576 )) ;;
+	[Gg]) __num=$(( $__num * 1073741824 )) ;;
+	[Tt]) __num=$(( $__num * 1099511627776 )) ;;
+	[Pp]) __num=$(( $__num * 1125899906842624 )) ;;
+	[Ee]) __num=$(( $__num * 1152921504606846976 )) ;;
+	esac
+	if [ $__num -le 0 ]; then
+		# Arithmetic overflow
+		if [ "$__var_to_set" ]; then
+			setvar "$__var_to_set" -1
+		else
+			echo -1
+		fi
+		return $FAILURE
+	fi
+	# Return the number
+	if [ "$__var_to_set" ]; then
+		setvar "$__var_to_set" $__num
+	else
+		echo $__num
+	fi
 ############################################################ MAIN
 f_dprintf "%s: Successfully loaded." strings.subr
Index: usr.sbin/bsdinstall/bsdinstall
--- usr.sbin/bsdinstall/bsdinstall	(revision 256194)
+++ usr.sbin/bsdinstall/bsdinstall	(working copy)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 : ${BSDINSTALL_LOG="/tmp/bsdinstall_log"}; export BSDINSTALL_LOG
 : ${BSDINSTALL_TMPETC="/tmp/bsdinstall_etc"}; export BSDINSTALL_TMPETC
+: ${BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT="/tmp/bsdinstall_boot"}; export BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT
 : ${BSDINSTALL_DISTDIR="/usr/freebsd-dist"}; export BSDINSTALL_DISTDIR
@@ -35,5 +36,6 @@
 VERB=${1:-auto}; shift
 echo "Running installation step: $VERB $@" >> "$BSDINSTALL_LOG"
 exec "/usr/libexec/bsdinstall/$VERB" "$@" 2>> "$BSDINSTALL_LOG"
Index: usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/Makefile
--- usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/Makefile	(revision 256194)
+++ usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/Makefile	(working copy)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 SCRIPTS= auto adduser checksum config docsinstall hostname jail keymap \
 	 mirrorselect mount netconfig netconfig_ipv4 netconfig_ipv6 rootpass \
-	 script services time umount wlanconfig
+	 script services time umount wlanconfig zfsboot
 BINDIR= /usr/libexec/bsdinstall
 NO_MAN=	true
Index: usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/auto
--- usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/auto	(revision 256194)
+++ usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/auto	(working copy)
@@ -93,24 +93,46 @@ fi
 touch $PATH_FSTAB
-dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" --title "Partitioning" --extra-button \
-    --extra-label "Manual" --ok-label "Guided" --cancel-label "Shell" \
-    --yesno "Would you like to use the guided partitioning tool (recommended for beginners) or to set up partitions manually (experts)? You can also open a shell and set up partitions entirely by hand." 0 0
+Guided \"Partitioning Tool (Recommended for Beginners)\" \
+Manual \"Manually Configure Partitions (Expert)\" \
+Shell \"Open a shell and partition by hand\""
-case $? in
-0)	# Guided
+CURARCH=$( uname -m )
+case $CURARCH in
+	amd64|i386)	# Booting ZFS Supported
+		PMODES="$PMODES ZFS \"Automatic Root-on-ZFS (Experimental)\""
+		;;
+	*)		# Booting ZFS Unspported
+		;;
+exec 3>&1
+PARTMODE=`echo $PMODES | xargs dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" \
+	--title "Partitioning" \
+	--menu "How would you like to partition your disk?" \
+	0 0 0 2>&1 1>&3`
+if [ $? -eq $DIALOG_CANCEL ]; then exit 1; fi
+exec 3>&-
+case "$PARTMODE" in
+"Guided")	# Guided
 	bsdinstall autopart || error
 	bsdinstall mount || error
-1)	# Shell
+"Shell")	# Shell
 	echo "Use this shell to set up partitions for the new system. When finished, mount the system at $BSDINSTALL_CHROOT and place an fstab file for the new system at $PATH_FSTAB. Then type 'exit'. You can also enter the partition editor at any time by entering 'bsdinstall partedit'."
 	sh 2>&1
-3)	# Manual
+"Manual")	# Manual
 	bsdinstall partedit || error
 	bsdinstall mount || error
+"ZFS")	# ZFS
+	bsdinstall zfsboot || error
+	bsdinstall mount || error
+	;;
Index: usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/config
--- usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/config	(revision 256194)
+++ usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/config	(working copy)
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ rm $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/rc.conf.*
+cat $BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT/loader.conf.* >> $BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT/loader.conf
+rm $BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT/loader.conf.*
 # Set up other things from installed config
 chroot $BSDINSTALL_CHROOT /usr/bin/newaliases
Index: usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/keymap
--- usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/keymap	(revision 256194)
+++ usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/keymap	(working copy)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Copyright (c) 2011 Nathan Whitehorn
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Devin Teske
 # All rights reserved.
 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -25,11 +26,195 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
+############################################################ INCLUDES
+. $BSDCFG_SHARE/common.subr || exit 1
+f_dprintf "%s: loading includes..." "$0"
+f_include $BSDCFG_SHARE/dialog.subr
-kbdcontrol -d >/dev/null 2>&1
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-	dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" --title "Keymap Selection" \
-	    --yesno "Would you like to set a non-default key mapping for your keyboard?" 0 0 || exit 0
-	exec 3>&1
-	kbdmap 2>&1 1>&3 | grep 'keymap=' > $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/rc.conf.keymap
+############################################################ CONFIGURATION
+# Default file to store keymap selection in
+# Default path to keymap INDEX containing descriptions
+: ${MAPDESCFILE:=/usr/share/syscons/keymaps/INDEX.keymaps}
+############################################################ GLOBALS
+# Strings that should be moved to an i18n file and loaded with f_include_lang()
+hline_arrows_space_tab_enter="Use arrows, SPACE, TAB or ENTER"
+msg_change_keymap="Change keymap"
+msg_change_keymap_help="Select a different keyboard mapping"
+msg_current_keyboard_mapping_is="The current keyboard mapping is:\n%s"
+msg_freebsd_installer="FreeBSD Installer"
+msg_keymap_prompt="Would you like to set a non-default key mapping for your keyboard?"
+msg_keymap_selection="Keymap Selection"
+msg_test_keymap_desc="Try the selected keymap"
+msg_test_keymap_help="Test the selected keymap to make sure it is correct"
+msg_test_the_keymap_by_typing="Test the keymap by typing letters, numbers, and symbols.  Characters should match the labels on the keyboard keys.\nPress Enter to stop testing."
+msg_use_this_keymap_desc="Use this keymap and begin installation"
+msg_use_this_keymap_help="Start the install using the currently selected keymap"
+############################################################ FUNCTIONS
+# dialog_menu_main
+# Display the dialog(1)-based application main menu.
+	local title="$DIALOG_TITLE"
+	local btitle="$DIALOG_BACKTITLE"
+	local prompt="$msg_keymap_prompt"
+	local hline="$hline_arrows_space_tab_enter"
+	local mapdesc="$msg_default" keymap
+	if [ -s "$KEYMAPFILE" ]; then
+		# Get the current keymap and a description to display
+		keymap=$( awk '/keymap=/{sub(/^.*=/,"");gsub(/"/,"");print}' \
+		mapdesc=$( awk -v keymap="$keymap" len=${#keymap} '
+			substr($0,0,len+4)==keymap":en:"{
+				if (length($0) < len+5) continue
+				print substr($0, len+5) " (" keymap ")"
+				exit
+			}' "$MAPDESCFILE" )
+	fi
+	[ "$keymap" ] || keymap='default'
+	cur_keymap=$( printf "$msg_current_keyboard_mapping_is" "$keymap" )
+	local height width
+	local menu_list="
+		'1 $msg_use_this_keymap' '$msg_use_this_keymap_desc'
+					 '$msg_use_this_keymap_help'
+		'2 $msg_change_keymap'   '$cur_keymap'
+					 '$msg_change_keymap_help'
+		'3 $msg_test_keymap'     '$msg_test_keymap_desc'
+					 '$msg_test_keymap_help'
+	eval f_dialog_menu_with_help_size height width rows \
+		\"\$title\" \"\$btitle\" \"\$prompt\" \"\$hline\" $menu_list
+	local menu_choice
+	menu_choice=$( eval $DIALOG \
+		--title \"\$title\"            \
+		--backtitle \"\$btitle\"       \
+		--hline \"\$hline\"            \
+		--item-help                    \
+		--ok-label \"$msg_select\"     \
+		--cancel-label \"$msg_cancel\" \
+		--menu \"\$prompt\"            \
+		$height $width $rows           \
+		$menu_list                     \
+	)
+	local retval=$?
+	f_dialog_data_sanitize menu_choice
+	f_dialog_menutag_store "$menu_choice"
+	return $retval
+# dialog_keymap_test
+# Display an input box (without cancel button) for the user to test keyboard
+# input and return. Always returns success.
+	local title= # Calculated below
+	local btitle= # Calculated below
+	local prompt="$msg_test_the_keymap_by_typing"
+	local hline="$hline_arrows_space_tab_enter"
+	f_dialog_title "$msg_test_keymap"
+	title="$DIALOG_TITLE"
+	f_dialog_title_restore
+	local height width
+	f_dialog_inputbox_size height width \
+		"$title" "$btitle" "$prompt" "" "$hline"
+		--title "$title"      \
+		--backtitle "$btitle" \
+		--hline "$hline"      \
+		--ok-label "$msg_ok"  \
+		--no-cancel           \
+		--inputbox "$prompt"  \
+		$height $width        \
+	return $DIALOG_OK
+############################################################ MAIN
+# Initialize
+f_dialog_title "$msg_keymap_selection"
+f_dialog_backtitle "$msg_freebsd_installer"
+# Die immediately if we can't dump the current keyboard map
+error=$( kbdcontrol -d 2>&1 > /dev/null ) || f_die $FAILURE "%s" "$error"
+# Capture Ctrl-C for clean-up
+trap 'rm -f $KEYMAPFILE; exit $FAILURE' SIGINT
+# Loop until the user has finalized their selection
+while :; do
+	dialog_menu_main
+	retval=$?
+	f_dialog_menutag_fetch mtag
+	f_dprintf "retval=%u mtag=[%s]" $reval "$mtag"
+	if [ $retval -ne $DIALOG_OK ]; then
+		rm -f "$KEYMAPFILE"
+		exit 1 # Exit with an error so bsdinstall restarts
+	fi
+	case "$mtag" in
+	?" $msg_use_this_keymap")
+		break # User is finished and ready to move on
+		;;
+	?" $msg_change_keymap")
+		# User chose ``Change keymap'' option
+			grep 'keymap=' > "$KEYMAPFILE"
+		;;
+	?" $msg_test_keymap")
+		# User chose ``Test keymap'' option
+		dialog_keymap_test
+		;;
+	*)	# Don't know what happened here
+		rm -f "$KEYMAPFILE"
+		exit 1 # Exit with an error so bsdinstall restarts
+		;;
+	esac
+# END
Index: usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/netconfig
--- usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/netconfig	(revision 256194)
+++ usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/netconfig	(working copy)
@@ -41,11 +41,19 @@ DIALOG_TAGS=""
 : ${DIALOG_ESC=255}
+# Do a dirty check to see if this a wireless interface -- there should be a
+# better way
+is_wireless_if() {
+	ifconfig $1 | grep -q 'media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless'
 for IF in `ifconfig -l`; do
 	test "$IF" = "lo0" && continue
 	(ifconfig -g wlan | egrep -wq $IF) && continue
 	DESC=`sysctl -n dev.$(echo $IF | sed -E 's/([[:alpha:]]*)([[:digit:]]*)/\1.\2/g').%desc`
+	is_wireless_if $IF && echo $DESC | grep -iqv wireless && DESC="Wireless $DESC"
@@ -63,10 +71,8 @@ exec 3>&-
 : > $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/._rc.conf.net
-# Do a dirty check to see if this a wireless interface -- there should be a
-# better way
-if ifconfig $INTERFACE | grep -q 'media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless'; then
+if is_wireless_if $INTERFACE; then
 	echo wlans_$INTERFACE=\"$NEXT_WLAN_IFACE\" >> $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/._rc.conf.net
Index: usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/services
--- usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/services	(revision 256194)
+++ usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/services	(working copy)
@@ -46,22 +46,23 @@ DAEMONS=$(dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" \
 	moused	"PS/2 mouse pointer on console" ${moused_enable:-off} \
 	ntpd	"Synchronize system and network time" ${ntpd_enable:-off} \
 	powerd	"Adjust CPU frequency dynamically if supported" ${powerd_enable:-off} \
+	dumpdev "Would you like to enable crash dumps to /var ?" ${dumpdev:-on} \
 2>&1 1>&3)
 exec 3>&-
+local havedump=
 for daemon in $DAEMONS; do
+	if [ "$daemon" == "dumpdev" ]; then
+		havedump=1
+		echo \# Set dumpdev to \"AUTO\" to enable crash dumps, \
+			\"NO\" to disable >> \ 
+			$BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/rc.conf.services
+		echo dumpdev=\"AUTO\" >> $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/rc.conf.services
+		continue
+	fi
 	echo ${daemon}_enable=\"YES\" >> $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/rc.conf.services
-echo \# Set dumpdev to \"AUTO\" to enable crash dumps, \"NO\" to disable >> \
-	$BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/rc.conf.services
-dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" --title "Dumpdev Configuration" \
-	--nocancel --yesno \
-	"Would you like to enable crash dumps?  If you start having problems with the system it can help the FreeBSD developers debug the problem.  But the crash dumps can take up a lot of disk space in /var." 0 0
-if [ $? -eq $DIALOG_OK ]; then
-	echo dumpdev=\"AUTO\" >> $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/rc.conf.services
+if [ ! "$havedump" ]; then
 	echo dumpdev=\"NO\" >> $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/rc.conf.services
Index: usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/zfsboot
--- usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/zfsboot	(revision 0)
+++ usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/zfsboot	(working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,1020 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Allan Jude
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Devin Teske
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# $FreeBSD$
+############################################################ INCLUDES
+. $BSDCFG_SHARE/common.subr || exit 1
+f_dprintf "%s: loading includes..." "$0"
+f_include $BSDCFG_SHARE/device.subr
+f_include $BSDCFG_SHARE/dialog.subr
+############################################################ CONFIGURATION
+# Default name of the boot-pool
+: ${ZFSBOOT_POOL_NAME:=zroot}
+# Default name for the boot environment parent dataset
+: ${ZFSBOOT_BEROOT_NAME:=bootenv}
+# Default name for the primany boot environment
+: ${ZFSBOOT_BOOTFS_NAME:=default}
+# Default Virtual Device (vdev) type to create
+: ${ZFSBOOT_VDEV_TYPE:=stripe}
+# Should we use gnop(8) to configure a transparent mapping to 4K sectors?
+# Should we use geli(8) to encrypt the drives?
+# Default name the unencrypted pool when using geli(8) to encrypt the drives
+: ${ZFSBOOT_GELI_POOL_NAME:=bootpool}
+# Default size for the unencrypted boot pool when using geli(8)
+# Default path to the geli(8) keyfile used in drive encryption
+: ${ZFSBOOT_GELI_KEY_FILE:=/boot/encryption.key}
+# Default disks to use (always empty unless being scripted)
+# Default partitioning scheme to use on disks
+# How much swap to put on each block device in the boot zpool
+# NOTE: Value passed to gpart(8); which supports SI unit suffixes.
+# Default ZFS layout for root zpool
+# NOTE: Anything after pound/hash character [#] is ignored as a comment.
+	# DATASET	OPTIONS (comma or space separated; or both)
+	# Boot Environment [BE] root and default boot dataset
+	/$ZFSBOOT_BEROOT_NAME				mountpoint=none
+	# Compress /tmp, allow exec but not setuid
+	/tmp		mountpoint=/tmp,compression=lz4,exec=on,setuid=off
+	# Don't mount /usr so that 'base' files go to the BEROOT
+	/usr		mountpoint=/usr,canmount=off
+	/usr/local # local files (i.e. from packages) separate from base system
+	# Home directories separated so they are common to all BEs
+	/usr/home	setuid=off
+	# Ports tree
+	/usr/ports		compression=lz4,setuid=off
+	/usr/ports/distfiles	compression=off,exec=off,setuid=off
+	/usr/ports/packages	compression=off,exec=off,setuid=off
+	# Source tree (compressed)
+	/usr/src	compression=lz4,exec=off,setuid=off
+	/usr/obj	# Object files
+	# Create /var and friends
+	/var		mountpoint=/var
+	/var/crash	compression=lz4,exec=off,setuid=off
+	/var/db		exec=off,setuid=off
+	/var/db/pkg	compression=lz4,exec=off,setuid=off
+	/var/empty	exec=off,setuid=off
+	/var/log	compression=lz4,exec=off,setuid=off
+	/var/mail	compression=lz4,exec=off,setuid=off
+	/var/run	exec=off,setuid=off
+	/var/tmp	compression=lz4,exec=on,setuid=off
+############################################################ GLOBALS
+# Strings that should be moved to an i18n file and loaded with f_include_lang()
+hline_alnum_arrows_punc_tab_enter="Use alnum, arrows, punctuation, TAB or ENTER"
+hline_arrows_space_tab_enter="Use arrows, SPACE, TAB or ENTER"
+hline_arrows_tab_enter="Press arrows, TAB or ENTER"
+msg_change="Change Selection"
+msg_configure_options="Configure Options:"
+msg_create_desc="Proceed with Installation"
+msg_create_help="Create ZFS boot pool with displayed options"
+msg_detailed_disk_info="gpart(8) show %s:\n%s\n\ncamcontrol(8) inquiry %s:\n%s\n\n\ncamcontrol(8) identify %s:\n%s\n"
+msg_disk_info="Disk Info"
+msg_disk_info_help="Get detailed information on disk device(s)"
+msg_disks_to_use="Disks To Use"
+msg_disks_to_use_help="Choose which disks to use for the Virtual Device (Required)"
+msg_force_4k_sectors="Force 4K Sectors?"
+msg_force_4k_sectors_help="Use gnop(8) to configure forced 4K sector alignment"
+msg_geli_encryption="Encrypt Disks?"
+msg_geli_encryption_help="Use geli(8) to encrypt all data partitions"
+msg_geli_password="Enter a strong passphrase, used to protect your encryption keys. You will be required to enter this passphrase each time the system is booted"
+msg_freebsd_installer="FreeBSD Installer"
+msg_invalid_virtual_device_type="Invalid Virtual Device type \`%s'"
+msg_invalid_virtual_device_type_help="Select another Virtual Device type or cancel and return to the ZFS menu. From there you can select more disks or rescan from additional devices"
+msg_last_chance_are_you_sure="Last Chance! Are you sure you want to destroy the current contents of the following disks:\n%s"
+msg_last_chance_are_you_sure_color="\\\\ZrLast Chance!\\\\ZR Are you \\\\Z1sure\\\\Zn you want to \\\\Zr\\\\Z1destroy\\\\Zn the current contents of the following disks:\n%s"
+msg_mirror_desc="Mirror - n-Way Mirroring"
+msg_mirror_help="[2+ Disks] Mirroring provides the best performance, but the least storage"
+msg_no_disks_present_to_configure="No disk(s) present to configure"
+msg_no_disks_selected="No disks selected."
+msg_not_enough_disks_selected="Not enough disks selected (minimum %u)"
+msg_partition_scheme="Partition Scheme"
+msg_partition_scheme_help="Toggle between GPT and MBR partitioning schemes"
+msg_please_enter_a_name_for_your_zpool="Please enter a name for your zpool:"
+msg_please_enter_amount_of_swap_space="Please enter amount of swap space (SI-Unit suffixes\nrecommended; e.g., \`2g' for 2 Gigabytes):"
+msg_please_select_one_or_more_disks="Please select one or more disks to create a zpool:"
+msg_pool_name="Pool Name"
+msg_pool_name_cannot_be_empty="Pool name cannot be empty."
+msg_pool_name_help="Customize the name of the zpool to be created (Required)"
+msg_raidz1_desc="RAID-Z1 - Single Redundant RAID"
+msg_raidz1_help="[3+ Disks] Withstand failure of 1 disk. Recommended for: 3, 5 or 9 disks"
+msg_raidz2_desc="RAID-Z2 - Double Redundant RAID"
+msg_raidz2_help="[4+ Disks] Withstand failure of 2 disks. Recommended for: 4, 6 or 10 disks"
+msg_raidz3_desc="RAID-Z3 - Triple Redundant RAID"
+msg_raidz3_help="[5+ Disks] Withstand failure of 3 disks. Recommended for: 5, 7 or 11 disks"
+msg_rescan_devices="Rescan Devices"
+msg_rescan_devices_help="Scan for device changes"
+msg_select_a_disk_device="Select a disk device"
+msg_select_virtual_device_type="Select Virtual Device type:"
+msg_stripe_desc="Stripe - No Redundancy"
+msg_stripe_help="[1+ Disks] Striping provides maximum storage but no redundancy"
+msg_swap_size="Swap Size"
+msg_swap_size_help="Customize how much swap space is allocated to each selected disk"
+msg_zfs_configuration="ZFS Configuration"
+msg_zfs_vdev_type="ZFS VDev Type"
+msg_zfs_vdev_type_help="Select type of ZFS Virtual Device to create"
+############################################################ FUNCTIONS
+# dialog_menu_main
+# Display the dialog(1)-based application main menu.
+	local title="$DIALOG_TITLE"
+	local btitle="$DIALOG_BACKTITLE"
+	local prompt="$msg_configure_options"
+	local force4k="$msg_no"
+	local usegeli="$msg_no"
+	[ "$ZFSBOOT_GNOP_4K_FORCE_ALIGN" ] && force4k="$msg_yes"
+	[ "$ZFSBOOT_GELI_ENCRYPTION" ] && usegeli="$msg_yes"
+	local menu_list="
+		'>>> $msg_create'         '$msg_create_desc'
+		                          '$msg_create_help'
+		'- $msg_rescan_devices'   '*'
+		                          '$msg_rescan_devices_help'
+		'- $msg_disk_info'        '*'
+		                          '$msg_disk_info_help'
+		'1 $msg_pool_name'        '$ZFSBOOT_POOL_NAME'
+		                          '$msg_pool_name_help'
+		'2 $msg_disks_to_use'     '$ZFSBOOT_DISKS'
+		                          '$msg_disks_to_use_help'
+		'3 $msg_zfs_vdev_type'    '$ZFSBOOT_VDEV_TYPE'
+		                          '$msg_zfs_vdev_type_help'
+		'4 $msg_force_4k_sectors' '$force4k'
+		                          '$msg_force_4k_sectors_help'
+		'5 $msg_geli_encryption'  '$usegeli'
+		                          '$msg_geli_encryption_help'
+		'6 $msg_partition_scheme' '$ZFSBOOT_PARTITION_SCHEME'
+		                          '$msg_partition_scheme_help'
+		'7 $msg_swap_size'        '$ZFSBOOT_SWAP_SIZE'
+		                          '$msg_swap_size_help'
+	local defaultitem= # Calculated below
+	local hline="$hline_alnum_arrows_punc_tab_enter"
+	local height width rows
+	eval f_dialog_menu_with_help_size height width rows \
+		\"\$title\" \"\$btitle\" \"\$prompt\" \"\$hline\" $menu_list
+	# Obtain default-item from previously stored selection
+	f_dialog_default_fetch defaultitem
+	local menu_choice
+	menu_choice=$( eval $DIALOG \
+		--title \"\$title\"              \
+		--backtitle \"\$btitle\"         \
+		--hline \"\$hline\"              \
+		--item-help                      \
+		--ok-label \"\$msg_select\"      \
+		--cancel-label \"\$msg_cancel\"  \
+		--default-item \"\$defaultitem\" \
+		--menu \"\$prompt\"              \
+		$height $width $rows             \
+		$menu_list                       \
+	)
+	local retval=$?
+	f_dialog_data_sanitize menu_choice
+	f_dialog_menutag_store "$menu_choice"
+	# Only update default-item on success
+	[ $retval -eq $DIALOG_OK ] && f_dialog_default_store "$menu_choice"
+	return $retval
+# dialog_edit_disks
+# Edit the list of disks to be used by the ZFS boot pool.
+	local title="$DIALOG_TITLE"
+	local btitle="$DIALOG_BACKTITLE"
+	local prompt="$msg_please_select_one_or_more_disks"
+	local check_list= # Calculated below
+	local hline="$hline_arrows_space_tab_enter"
+	local dev vardev disks=
+	#
+	# Get a [new] list of disk devices
+	#
+	f_device_find "" $DEVICE_TYPE_DISK disks
+	if [ ! "$disks" ]; then
+		f_show_msg "$msg_no_disks_present_to_configure"
+		return $FAILURE
+	fi
+	# Lets sort the disks array to be more user friendly
+	disks=$( echo "$disks" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ' )
+	#
+	# Loop through the list of selected disks and create temporary local
+	# variables mapping their status onto an up-to-date list of disks.
+	#
+	for dev in $ZFSBOOT_DISKS; do
+		f_str2varname "$dev" vardev
+		local _${vardev}_status=on
+	done
+	#
+	# Create the checklist menu of discovered disk devices
+	#
+	local on_off
+	for dev in $disks; do
+		local desc=
+		device_$dev get desc desc
+		f_shell_escape "$desc" desc
+		f_str2varname "$dev" vardev
+		f_getvar _${vardev}_status:-off on_off
+		check_list="$check_list '$dev' '$desc' $on_off"
+	done
+	#
+	# Prompt the user to check some disks
+	#
+	local height width rows
+	eval f_dialog_checklist_size height width rows \
+		\"\$title\" \"\$btitle\" \"\$prompt\" \"\$hline\" $check_list
+	disks=$( eval $DIALOG \
+		--title \"\$DIALOG_TITLE\"         \
+		--backtitle \"\$DIALOG_BACKTITLE\" \
+		--hline \"\$hline\"                \
+		--ok-label \"\$msg_ok\"            \
+		--cancel-label \"\$msg_cancel\"    \
+		--checklist \"\$prompt\"           \
+		$height $width $rows               \
+		$check_list                        \
+	) || return $?
+		# Exit if user either pressed ESC or chose Cancel/No
+	f_dialog_data_sanitize disks
+	ZFSBOOT_DISKS="$disks"
+	return $DIALOG_OK
+# dialog_menu_vdev
+# Prompt the user to select a a Virtual Device type.
+	local title="$DIALOG_TITLE"
+	local btitle="$DIALOG_BACKTITLE"
+	local prompt="$msg_select_virtual_device_type"
+	# Make sure [potentially scripted] selections are real
+	real_disks=
+	for disk in $ZFSBOOT_DISKS; do
+		f_struct device_$disk && real_disks="$real_disks $disk"
+	done
+	# Make sure we have at least one real disk selected
+	ndisks=$( set -- $real_disks; echo $# )
+	local menu_list="
+		'stripe' '$msg_stripe_desc' '$msg_stripe_help'
+		'mirror' '$msg_mirror_desc' '$msg_mirror_help'
+		'raidz1' '$msg_raidz1_desc' '$msg_raidz1_help'
+		'raidz2' '$msg_raidz2_desc' '$msg_raidz2_help'
+		'raidz3' '$msg_raidz3_desc' '$msg_raidz3_help'
+	local defaultitem="$ZFSBOOT_VDEV_TYPE"
+	local hline="$hline_arrows_tab_enter"
+	local error_msg revalidate_choice
+	local height width rows
+	eval f_dialog_menu_size height width rows \
+		\"\$title\" \"\$btitle\" \"\$prompt\" \"\$hline\" $menu_list
+	local menu_choice
+	menu_choice=$( eval $DIALOG \
+		--title \"\$title\"              \
+		--backtitle \"\$btitle\"         \
+		--hline \"\$hline\"              \
+		--ok-label \"\$msg_ok\"          \
+		--cancel-label \"\$msg_cancel\"  \
+		--item-help                      \
+		--default-item \"\$defaultitem\" \
+		--menu \"\$prompt\"              \
+		$height $width $rows             \
+		$menu_list                       \
+	) || return $FAILURE
+	f_dialog_data_sanitize menu_choice
+	# Make sure we have enough disks for the desired vdev type
+	case "$menu_choice" in
+	stripe) want_disks=1 ;;
+	mirror) want_disks=2 ;;
+	raidz1) want_disks=3 ;;
+	raidz2) want_disks=4 ;;
+	raidz3) want_disks=5 ;;
+	*)
+		f_show_msg "$msg_invalid_virtual_device_type" \
+	                   "$menu_choice"
+		continue
+		;;
+	esac
+	if [ $ndisks -lt $want_disks ]; then
+		error_msg=$( printf "%s: $msg_not_enough_disks_selected\n%s" \
+			"$menu_choice" "$want_disks" \
+			"$msg_invalid_virtual_device_type_help" )
+		eval f_dialog_buttonbox_size height width \"\$title\" \
+			\"\$btitle\" \"\$error_msg\" \"\$hline\"
+		defaultitem=$msg_change revalidate_choice=$( eval $DIALOG \
+			--title \"\$title\"              \
+			--backtitle \"\$btitle\"         \
+			--hline \"\$hline\"              \
+			--yes-label \"\$msg_change\"     \
+			--no-label \"\$msg_cancel\"      \
+			--default-item \"\$defaultitem\" \
+			--yesno \"\$error_msg\"          \
+			$height $width                   \
+		) || return $FAILURE
+		dialog_menu_vdev
+	else
+		ZFSBOOT_VDEV_TYPE="$menu_choice"
+	fi
+# zfs_create_diskpart $disk $index
+# For each block device to be used in the zpool, rather than just create the
+# zpool with the raw block devices (e.g., da0, da1, etc.) we create partitions
+# so we can have some real swap. This also provides wiggle room incase your
+# replacement drivers do not have the exact same sector counts.
+# NOTE: The MBR layout is more complicated (GPT is preferred).
+	local disk="$1" index="$2"
+	local funcname=zfs_create_diskpart
+	local disksize partsize
+	# Check arguments
+	[ "$disk" -a "$index" ] || return $FAILURE
+	#
+	# Destroy whatever partition layout is currently on disk.
+	# NOTE: `-F' required to destroy if partitions still exist.
+	# NOTE: Failure is ok here, blank disk will have nothing to destroy.
+	#
+	f_quietly gpart destroy -F $disk
+	f_quietly zpool labelclear -f /dev/$disk # Kill it with fire
+	# Make doubly-sure backup GPT is destroyed
+	f_quietly gpart create -s gpt $disk || return $FAILURE
+	f_quietly gpart destroy -F $disk || return $FAILURE
+	# Calculate partition size given desired amount of swap
+	device_$disk get capacity disksize || return $FAILURE
+	partsize=$(( $disksize - $swapsize ))
+	#
+	# Lay down the desired type of partition scheme
+	#
+	local setsize mbrindex
+	""|GPT)
+		#
+		# 1. Create GPT layout using labels
+		#
+		gpart create -s gpt $disk || return $FAILURE
+		#
+		# 2. Add small freebsd-boot partition labeled `boot#'
+		#
+		gpart add -l gptboot$index -t freebsd-boot -s 512k $disk ||
+			return $FAILURE
+		gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 $disk ||
+			return $FAILURE
+		# zpool will use the `zfs#' GPT labels
+		bootpart=p2 targetpart=p2
+		# Change things around if we are using GELI
+		if [ "$ZFSBOOT_GELI_ENCRYPTION" ]; then
+			bootpart=p2 targetpart=p3
+			partsize=$(( $partsize - $gelisize ))
+			gpart add -l boot$index -t freebsd-zfs \
+				-s ${gelisize}b -a 1m $disk || return $FAILURE
+			# Pedantically nuke any old labels, stop geli
+			f_quietly zpool labelclear -f /dev/$disk$bootpart
+			f_quietly geli detach -f /dev/$disk$targetpart
+		fi
+		#
+		# 3. Add freebsd-zfs partition labeled `zfs#' for zpool
+		# NOTE: Using above calculated partsize to leave room for swap.
+		#
+		[ $swapsize -gt 0 ] && setsize="-s ${partsize}b"
+		gpart add -l zfs$index -t freebsd-zfs $setsize -a 1m $disk ||
+			return $FAILURE
+		f_quietly zpool labelclear -f /dev/$disk$targetpart # Pedantic
+		#
+		# 4. Add freebsd-swap partition labeled `swap#'
+		#
+		if [ $swapsize -gt 0 ]; then
+			gpart add -l swap$index -t freebsd-swap -a 1m $disk ||
+				return $FAILURE
+			# Update fstab(5)
+			printf "$fstab_fmt" \
+				/dev/gpt/swap$index none swap sw 0 0 \
+				>> $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/fstab || return $FAILURE
+		fi
+		;;
+	MBR)
+		#
+		# 1. Create MBR layout (no labels)
+		#
+		gpart create -s mbr $disk || return $FAILURE
+		gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot0 $disk || return $FAILURE
+		#
+		# 2. Add freebsd slice with all available space
+		#
+		gpart add -t freebsd $disk || return $FAILURE
+		gpart set -a active -i 1 $disk || return $FAILURE
+		f_quietly zpool labelclear -f /dev/${disk}s1 # Pedantic
+		f_quietly gpart destroy -F ${disk}s1 # Pedantic
+		#
+		# 3. Write BSD sceme to the freebsd slice
+		#
+		gpart create -s BSD ${disk}s1 || return $FAILURE
+		# zpool will use s1a (no labels)
+		bootpart=s1a targetpart=s1a mbrindex=1
+		# Change things around if we are using GELI
+		if [ "$ZFSBOOT_GELI_ENCRYPTION" ]; then
+			bootpart=s1a targetpart=s1d
+			partsize=$(( $partsize - $gelisize ))
+			mbrindex=4 # If this is s1a then make the zpool s1d
+			gpart add -t freebsd-zfs -i 1 -s ${gelisize}b ${disk}s1 ||
+				return $FAILURE
+			# Pedantically nuke any old labels, stop geli
+			f_quietly zpool labelclear -f /dev/$disk$bootpart
+			f_quietly geli detach -f /dev/$disk$targetpart
+		fi
+		#
+		# 4. Partition the BSD slice for ZFS
+		# NOTE: Using above calculated partsize to leave room for swap.
+		#
+		[ $swapsize -gt 0 ] && setsize="-s ${partsize}b"
+		gpart add -t freebsd-zfs -i $mbrindex $setsize ${disk}s1 || 
+			return $FAILURE
+		f_quietly zpool labelclear -f /dev/$disk$targetpart # Pedantic
+		#
+		# 5. Add freebsd-swap partition
+		#
+		if [ $swapsize -gt 0 ]; then
+			gpart add -t freebsd-swap -i 2 ${disk}s1 || 
+			return $FAILURE
+			# Update fstab(5)
+			printf "$fstab_fmt" /dev/${disk}s1b none swap sw 0 0 \
+				>> $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/fstab || return $FAILURE
+		fi
+		;;
+	*)
+		printf "%s: %s is an unsupported partition scheme" \
+		       "$funcname" "$ZFSBOOT_PARTITION_SCHEME" >&2
+		return $FAILURE
+	return $SUCCESS
+# zfs_create_boot $poolname $vdev_type $real_disks ...
+# Creates boot pool and dataset layout. Returns error if something goes wrong.
+# Errors are printed to stderr for collection and display.
+	local poolname="$1" vdev_type="$2"
+	local fstab_fmt="%s\t\t%s\t%s\t%s\t\t%s\t%s\n"
+	local funcname=zfs_create_boot
+	local bootpart targetpart
+	shift 2 # name vdev_type
+	# We may need this later
+	local realdisks=$*
+	# Pedantic checks; should never be seen
+	if [ ! "$poolname" ]; then
+		echo "$funcname: NULL poolname" >&2
+		return $FAILURE
+	fi
+	if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
+		echo "$funcname: missing disk arguments" >&2
+		return $FAILURE
+	fi
+	# Initialize fstab(5)
+	printf "$fstab_fmt" \
+		"# Device" Mountpoint FStype Options Dump "Pass#" \
+		>> $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/fstab || return $FAILURE
+	# Expand SI units in desired sizes
+	local swapsize gelisize
+	f_expand_number "$ZFSBOOT_SWAP_SIZE" swapsize || return $FAILURE
+	f_expand_number "$ZFSBOOT_GELI_BOOT_SIZE" gelisize || return $FAILURE
+	# Prepare the disks
+	local n=0
+	for disk in $*; do
+		zfs_create_diskpart $disk $n || return $FAILURE
+		n=$(( $n + 1 ))
+	done
+	# MBR boot loader hack part 1
+	# We have to do this early because geli gets in the way later
+	if [ "$ZFSBOOT_PARTITION_SCHEME" = "MBR" ]; then
+		for disk in $realdisks; do
+			dd if=/boot/zfsboot of=/dev/${disk}s1 count=1 ||
+				return $FAILURE
+		done
+	fi
+	# Forced 4k alignment support provided by Geom NOP (see gnop(8))
+	local unenc_list=
+	if [ "$ZFSBOOT_GNOP_4K_FORCE_ALIGN" ]; then
+		local new_list=
+		for disk in $*; do
+			if [ "$ZFSBOOT_GELI_ENCRYPTION" ]; then
+				# We don't gnop the encrypted partition 
+				# because geli will do this for us
+				# gnop the unencrypted disk
+				gnop create -S 4096 $disk$bootpart ||
+					return $FAILURE
+				unenc_list="$unenc_list $disk$bootpart.nop"
+			else
+				gnop create -S 4096 $disk$targetpart ||
+					return $FAILURE
+				new_list="$new_list $disk$targetpart.nop"
+			fi
+		done
+		set -- $new_list
+	else
+		local new_list=
+		for disk in $*; do
+			new_list="$new_list $disk$targetpart"
+				unenc_list="$unenc_list $disk$bootpart"
+		done
+		set -- $new_list
+	fi
+	#
+	# If encryption is enabled, we need to create the GEOMs
+	#
+		local bootvdev=
+		local key="$ZFSBOOT_GELI_KEY_FILE"
+		# Create the parent directories for our unencrypted pool
+		f_quietly umount /mnt
+		mount -t tmpfs none $BSDINSTALL_CHROOT || return $FAILURE
+		# Create mirror across the unencrypted partition on all disks
+		[ $( set -- $unenc_list; echo $# ) -gt 1 ] && bootvdev=mirror
+		zpool create -o altroot=$BSDINSTALL_CHROOT \
+			-m "/$ZFSBOOT_GELI_POOL_NAME" -f \
+			"$ZFSBOOT_GELI_POOL_NAME" $bootvdev $unenc_list || 
+			return $FAILURE
+		mkdir -p $geli_pool/boot || return $FAILURE
+		# Generate an encryption key using random(4)
+		dd if=/dev/random of="$geli_pool/$key" bs=4096 count=1 ||
+			return $FAILURE
+		# Create the geli(8) GEOMS
+		local geli_list geli_pass
+		local title="$DIALOG_TITLE"
+		local btitle="$DIALOG_BACKTITLE"
+		local hline="$hline_arrows_tab_enter"
+		eval f_dialog_buttonbox_size height width \"\$title\" \
+			\"\$btitle\" \"\$msg_geli_password\" \"\$hline\"
+		[ $height -lt 8 ]; height=8
+		geli_pass=$( eval $DIALOG \
+			--title \"\$title\"                   \
+			--backtitle \"\$btitle\"              \
+			--hline \"\$hline\"                   \
+			--insecure                            \
+			--passwordbox \"\$msg_geli_password\" \
+			$height $width                        \
+		) || return $FAILURE
+		for disk in $realdisks; do
+			echo "$geli_pass" | geli init -b -B \
+				"$geli_pool/boot/$disk$targetpart.eli" \
+				-e AES-XTS -J - -K "$geli_pool/$key" -l 256 \
+				-s 4096 $disk$targetpart || return $FAILURE
+			echo "$geli_pass" | geli attach -j - \
+				-k "$geli_pool/$key" $disk$targetpart || 
+				return $FAILURE
+			geli_list="$geli_list $disk$targetpart.eli"
+		done
+		set -- $geli_list
+		zfs unmount "$ZFSBOOT_GELI_POOL_NAME" || return $FAILURE
+		# We don't need this anymore
+		f_quietly umount /mnt
+	fi
+	#
+	# Create the ZFS pool with desired type and disk devices
+	#
+	zpool create -o altroot=$BSDINSTALL_CHROOT -m none -f \
+		"$poolname" $vdev_type $* || return $FAILURE
+	# Customize the zpool a bit...
+	zfs set checksum=fletcher4	"$poolname" || return $FAILURE
+	zfs set atime=off		"$poolname" || return $FAILURE
+	#
+	# Create ZFS dataset layout within the new boot pool
+	#
+	echo "$ZFSBOOT_DATASETS" | while read dataset options; do
+		# Skip blank lines and comments
+		case "$dataset" in "#"*|"") continue; esac
+		# Remove potential inline comments in options
+		options="${options%%#*}"
+		# Replace tabs with spaces
+		f_replaceall "$options" "	" " " foo
+		# Reduce contiguous runs of space to one single space
+		oldoptions=
+		while [ "$oldoptions" != "$options" ]; do
+			oldoptions="$options"
+			f_replaceall "$options" "  " " " options
+		done
+		# Replace both commas and spaces with ` -o '
+		f_replaceall "$options" "[ ,]" " -o " options
+		# Create the dataset with desired options
+		zfs create ${options:+-o $options} "$poolname$dataset" ||
+			return $FAILURE
+	done
+	# Touch up permissions on the tmp directories
+	chmod 1777 $BSDINSTALL_CHROOT/tmp || return $FAILURE
+	chmod 1777 $BSDINSTALL_CHROOT/var/tmp || return $FAILURE
+	# Create symlink(s)
+			return $FAILURE; }
+	# Set bootfs property
+	zpool set bootfs="$poolname/$ZFSBOOT_BEROOT_NAME/$ZFSBOOT_BOOTFS_NAME" \
+		"$poolname" || return $FAILURE
+	# Export the pool(s)
+	zpool export "$poolname" || return $FAILURE
+		{ zpool export "$ZFSBOOT_GELI_POOL_NAME" || return $FAILURE; }
+	# Destroy the gnop devices (if enabled)
+	for disk in ${ZFSBOOT_GNOP_4K_FORCE_ALIGN:+$realdisks}; do
+		if [ "$ZFSBOOT_GELI_ENCRYPTION" ]; then
+			f_quietly gnop destroy $disk$bootpart.nop
+		else
+			f_quietly gnop destroy $disk$targetpart.nop
+		fi
+	done
+	# MBR boot loader hack part 2
+	if [ "$ZFSBOOT_PARTITION_SCHEME" = "MBR" ]; then
+		# Stick the ZFS boot loader in the "convienient hole" after 
+		# the ZFS internal metadata
+		for disk in $realdisks; do
+			dd if=/boot/zfsboot of=/dev/$disk$bootpart \
+				skip=1 seek=1024 || return $FAILURE
+		done
+	fi
+	# Re-import the ZFS pool(s)
+	zpool import -o altroot=$BSDINSTALL_CHROOT $poolname ||	return $FAILURE
+		{ zpool import -o altroot=$BSDINSTALL_CHROOT \
+	# While this is apparently not needed, it seems to help MBR
+	mkdir -p $BSDINSTALL_CHROOT/boot/zfs || return $FAILURE
+	zpool set cachefile=$BSDINSTALL_CHROOT/boot/zfs/zpool.cache \
+		"$poolname" || return $FAILURE
+	# Last, but not least... add required lines to rc.conf(5)
+	# NOTE: We later concatenate these into their destination
+	echo 'zfs_enable="YES"' > $BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/rc.conf.zfs ||
+		return $FAILURE
+	echo 'zfs_load="YES"' > $BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT/loader.conf.zfs ||
+		return $FAILURE
+	# We're all done unless we should go on to do encryption
+	#
+	# Configure geli(8)-based encryption
+	#
+	echo 'aesni_load="YES"' \
+		> $BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT/loader.conf.aesni || return $FAILURE
+	echo 'geom_eli_load="YES"' \
+		> $BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT/loader.conf.geli || return $FAILURE
+	printf 'vfs.root.mountfrom="zfs:%s/%s/%s"\n' "$poolname" \
+		> $BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT/loader.conf.root || return $FAILURE
+	for disk in $realdisks; do
+		printf 'geli_%s_keyfile0_load="YES"\n' \
+			"$disk$targetpart" \
+			> $BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT/loader.conf.$disk$targetpart ||
+			return $FAILURE
+		printf 'geli_%s_keyfile0_type="%s:geli_keyfile0"\n' \
+			"$disk$targetpart" "$disk$targetpart" \
+			>> $BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT/loader.conf.$disk$targetpart ||
+			return $FAILURE
+		printf 'geli_%s_keyfile0_name="%s"\n' \
+			"$disk$targetpart" "$ZFSBOOT_GELI_KEY_FILE" \
+			>> $BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT/loader.conf.$disk$targetpart ||
+			return $FAILURE
+	done
+	return $SUCCESS
+# dialog_menu_diskinfo
+# Prompt the user to select a disk and then provide detailed info on it.
+	local disk
+	#
+	# Break from loop when user cancels disk selection
+	#
+	while :; do
+		disk=$( msg_cancel="$msg_back" f_device_menu \
+			"$DIALOG_TITLE" "$msg_select_a_disk_device" "" \
+			$DEVICE_TYPE_DISK 2>&1 ) || break
+		# Show gpart(8) `show' and camcontrol(8) `inquiry' data
+		f_show_msg "$msg_detailed_disk_info" \
+			"$disk" "$( gpart show $disk 2> /dev/null )" \
+			"$disk" "$( camcontrol inquiry $disk 2> /dev/null )" \
+			"$disk" "$( camcontrol identify $disk 2> /dev/null )"
+	done
+	return $SUCCESS
+############################################################ MAIN
+# Initialize
+f_dialog_title "$msg_zfs_configuration"
+f_dialog_backtitle "$msg_freebsd_installer"
+# Loop over the main menu until we've accomplished what we came here to do
+while :; do
+	dialog_menu_main
+	retval=$?
+	f_dialog_menutag_fetch mtag
+	f_dprintf "retval=%u mtag=[%s]" $reval "$mtag"
+	[ $retval -eq $DIALOG_OK ] || f_die
+	case "$mtag" in
+	">>> $msg_create")
+		#
+		# First, validate the user's selections
+		#
+		# Make sure they gave us a name for the pool
+		if [ ! "$ZFSBOOT_POOL_NAME" ]; then
+			f_show_msg "$msg_pool_name_cannot_be_empty"
+			continue
+		fi
+		# Make sure [potentially scripted] selections are real
+		real_disks=
+		for disk in $ZFSBOOT_DISKS; do
+			f_struct device_$disk && real_disks="$real_disks $disk"
+		done
+		# Make sure we have at least one real disk selected
+		ndisks=$( set -- $real_disks; echo $# )
+		if [ $ndisks -lt 1 ]; then
+			f_show_msg "$msg_no_disks_selected"
+			continue
+		fi
+		# Make sure we have enough disks for the desired vdev type
+		case "$ZFSBOOT_VDEV_TYPE" in
+		stripe) want_disks=1 ;;
+		mirror) want_disks=2 ;;
+		raidz1) want_disks=3 ;;
+		raidz2) want_disks=4 ;;
+		raidz3) want_disks=5 ;;
+		*)
+			f_show_msg "$msg_invalid_virtual_device_type" \
+		                   "$ZFSBOOT_VDEV_TYPE"
+			continue
+			;;
+		esac
+		if [ $ndisks -lt $want_disks ]; then
+			f_show_msg "%s: $msg_not_enough_disks_selected" \
+			           "$ZFSBOOT_VDEV_TYPE" "$want_disks"
+			continue
+		fi
+		#
+		# Last Chance!
+		#
+		if [ ! "$USE_XDIALOG" ]; then
+			DIALOG="$DIALOG --colors" f_noyes \
+				"$msg_last_chance_are_you_sure_color" \
+				"$ZFSBOOT_DISKS" || continue
+		else
+			f_noyes "$msg_last_chance_are_you_sure" \
+				"$ZFSBOOT_DISKS" || continue
+		fi
+		#
+		# Let's do this
+		#
+		vdev_type="$ZFSBOOT_VDEV_TYPE"
+		# Blank the vdev type for the default layout
+		[ "$vdev_type" = "stripe" ] && vdev_type=
+		if ! error=$( zfs_create_boot "$ZFSBOOT_POOL_NAME" \
+			"$vdev_type" $real_disks 2>&1 )
+		then
+			f_dialog_msgbox "$error"
+			continue
+		fi
+		break # to success
+		;;
+	"- $msg_rescan_devices") f_device_rescan ;;
+	"- $msg_disk_info") dialog_menu_diskinfo ;;
+	?" $msg_pool_name")
+		# Prompt the user to input/change the name for the new pool
+		f_dialog_input input \
+			"$msg_please_enter_a_name_for_your_zpool" \
+			ZFSBOOT_POOL_NAME="$input"
+		;;
+	?" $msg_disks_to_use") dialog_edit_disks ;;
+	?" $msg_zfs_vdev_type") dialog_menu_vdev ;;
+	?" $msg_force_4k_sectors")
+		# Toggle the variable referenced both by the menu and later
+		if [ "$ZFSBOOT_GNOP_4K_FORCE_ALIGN" ]; then
+		else
+		fi
+		;;
+	?" $msg_geli_encryption")
+		# Toggle the variable referenced both by the menu and later
+		if [ "$ZFSBOOT_GELI_ENCRYPTION" ]; then
+		else
+		fi
+		;;
+	?" $msg_partition_scheme")
+		# Toggle between GPT and MBR
+		else
+		fi
+		;;
+	?" $msg_swap_size")
+		# Prompt the user to input/change the swap size for each disk
+		f_dialog_input input \
+			"$msg_please_enter_amount_of_swap_space" \
+			ZFSBOOT_SWAP_SIZE="$input"
+		;;
+	esac
+return $SUCCESS
+# END

Property changes on: usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/zfsboot
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property

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