Unable to installworld after successful buildworld and buildkernel

Thomas Mueller mueller6727 at bellsouth.net
Tue Oct 8 21:38:22 UTC 2013

> To cross install FreeBSD on a system without the required users/groups
> you must either install them on the base system so that install and
> mtree can use them or use the -DDB_FROM_SRC option when running the
> installworld/installkernel/distribution targets.

-- Brooks

That worked for installworld, was apparently not needed subsequently for installkernel.

But where is DB_FROM_SRC documented?  I never saw it anywhere.  UPDATING file needs to be updated for installing FreeBSD on a partition where there is no OS installed.

I haven't booted yet, will try several ways including grub2, and not including grub2.

I installed sysutils/grub2 from FreeBSD ports, also sysutils/xorriso, necessary to run mkrescue.


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