LLVM 3.2: official stable port is still LLVM 3.1. Basesystem missing important LLVM pieces!

Erik Cederstrand erik at cederstrand.dk
Sun Jan 6 14:24:24 UTC 2013

Den 06/01/2013 kl. 13.55 skrev O. Hartmann <ohartman at zedat.fu-berlin.de>:

> While FreeBSD's
> base system already has LLVM/CLANG, it is missing some important LLVM
> pieces, like llvm-config and others.

llvm-config is a build dependency that spits out some lib paths that you can just hard-code for FreeBSD. So what in "others" does your port need?

I think the real problem is that LLVM and the related tools are build in one go, so you can't easily build llvm-config and others for the base version of LLVM. llvm-config needs shared libraries that are not installed in base because they supposedly require a prohibitive amount of build time. The LLVM port could be split up instead. There could be a devel/llvm-libs port that installed the shared libs for the base LLVM, and then a devel/llvm-config, devel/scan-build or devel/mclinker port that depends on the former port. This might require that a larger part of the LLVM source tree is imported into src/contrib, though.


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