why does buildkernel set COMPILER_TYPE?

John-Mark Gurney jmg at funkthat.com
Thu Aug 22 04:04:19 UTC 2013

I've noticed that if you do a:
make buildworld WITHOUT_CLANG_IS_CC=YES

and then do a:
make buildkernel

(w/o the WITHOUT_CLANG_IS_CC=YES option)
that it fails...  Apparently instead of letting buildkernel figure out
which compiler it will use, the src/Makefile.inc1 forces COMPILER_TYPE
to be what the options specified instead of using what bsd.compiler.mk
figures out...

Can w/ please fix this?  This isn't the first time I've run into this,
and it's quite anoying.

This simple patch fixes it:
ndex: Makefile.inc1
--- Makefile.inc1       (revision 254546)
+++ Makefile.inc1       (working copy)
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@
 # kernel stage

This just removes setting COMPILER_TYPE for the kernel target and lets
the magic in bsd.compiler.mk do it's thing...


  John-Mark Gurney				Voice: +1 415 225 5579

     "All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not."

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