zfs zpool import fails 9.2-beta2

Christopher Harrison harrison at glsan.com
Sat Aug 3 04:30:30 UTC 2013

glabel drives
     glabel label disk00 da0
     glabel label disk01 da1
     glabel label disk02 da2
     glabel label disk03 da3
gnop create -S 4096  (4k align drives)
     gnop create -S 4096 /dev/label/disk0[0-3]
create a new zpool with nop device
     zpool create ztemp raidz2 label/disk00.nop label/disk01.nop 
label/disk02.nop label/disk03.nop log gpt/zil.nop
export newly created zpool
     zpool export zpool
destroy the 4k nop devices
     gnop destroy /dev/label/disk0[0-3].nop
try to import the zpool
     zpool import -d /dev/label -d /dev/gpt ztemp
cannot import 'ztemp': pool is formatted using a newer ZFS version

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