[CFT]hwpmc update for sandybridge-e

hiren panchasara hiren.panchasara at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 22:54:55 UTC 2012

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 1:05 AM, Fabien Thomas <fabien.thomas at netasq.com>wrote:

> Le 5 oct. 2012 à 10:00, Fabien Thomas a écrit :
> >
> > Le 5 oct. 2012 à 00:46, Sean Bruno a écrit :
> >
> >> So, I did the bear minimum and kind of hacked things together without
> >> understanding precisely what I was doing, and I was able to massage the
> >> sandybridge-e CPUs into giving me some basic functions.
> >>
> >> Comments or concerns before I commit this?
> >>
> >> http://people.freebsd.org/~sbruno/pmc_sandybridge.txt
> >
> > Hi Sean,
> >
> > The only modification required is this one
> > http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base?view=revision&revision=237196
> >
> >  but davide@ removed it for a problem that need to be looked at.
> Looking at the doc this CPU require a full set of PMC as the list of event
> are different.
> So this mean full manpage, full event list, …
> Doc:
> "
> The events in Table 19-3 apply to
> processors with CPUID signature of DisplayFamily_DisplayModel encoding
> with the
> following values: 06_2AH and 06_2DH. The events in Table 19-4 apply to
> processors
> with CPUID signature 06_2AH. The events in Table 19-5 apply to processors
> with
> CPUID signature 06_2DH.
> "
> Required change will be the same as this commit if you want to look at it:
> http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base?view=revision&revision=240164

Hi All,

With help of Sean, I've prepared another semi-working patch:

I still haven't written the man page. I wanted to get some feedback
(bashing/yelling) before spending more time on this.

I am not quite sure how to handle uncore events. I've put ugly hack to
avoid wrmsr/rdmsr for this particular set of processors. I bet there are
better ways to handle this situation. (in hwpmc_uncore.c)

Here is the o/p of "pmccontrol -L":

I've run the pmctest.py script (by gnn):

I am seeing "invalid argument" for some events. I've tried to check
pmc_events.h to see that those events are listed. Not sure what else I
should check.

I've also tried to follow the commands Fabien listed for testing on

I am getting panic on following:
- Soft counter:
pmcstat -SPAGE_FAULT.ALL -w4 -T

panic details:
-bash-4.2$ panic: userret: Returning with with pinned thread
cpuid = 22
KDB: enter: panic
[ thread pid 4084 tid 100302 ]
Stopped at      kdb_enter+0x3b: movq    $0,0xa74122(%rip)
db> bt
Tracing pid 4084 tid 100302 td 0xfffffe0016dbc000
kdb_enter() at kdb_enter+0x3b
panic() at panic+0x1d1
userret() at userret+0x15c
trap() at trap+0x200
calltrap() at calltrap+0x8
--- trap 0xc, rip = 0x8013d86a0, rsp = 0x7fffffffd4b0, rbp = 0x801800b98 ---
db> show pcpu
cpuid        = 22
dynamic pcpu = 0xffffff807f000280
curthread    = 0xfffffe0016dbc000: pid 4084 "pmcstat"
curpcb       = 0xffffff86be955b80
fpcurthread  = 0xfffffe0016dbc000: pid 4084 "pmcstat"
idlethread   = 0xfffffe000a510000: tid 100025 "idle: cpu22"
curpmap      = 0xfffffe00160f6be8
tssp         = 0xffffffff81531970
commontssp   = 0xffffffff81531970
rsp0         = 0xffffff86be955b80
gs32p        = 0xffffffff8152faa8
ldt          = 0xffffffff8152fae8
tss          = 0xffffffff8152fad8
spin locks held:

db> show registers
cs                0x20
ds                0x3b
es            0x3b003b
fs            0x1b0013
gs                0x1b
ss                   0
rax               0x12
rcx              0x1fc
rdx                  0
rbx         0xffffffff80ec14ea  __func__.3526+0x1c2
rsp         0xffffff86be955770
rbp         0xffffff86be955790
rsi               0x80
rdi         0xffffff86be9555f0
r8                   0
r9          0xffffff86be9556a0
r10              0x700
r11         0xffffffff812c2900  txtrndrsw
r12                  0
r13         0xfffffe0016dbc000
r14         0xffffff86be955ac0
r15                0xc
rip         0xffffffff80901f1b  kdb_enter+0x3b
rflags            0x86
kdb_enter+0x3b: movq    $0,0xa74122(%rip)

Please let me know if anything else I can provide.

Thanks a ton,

p.s. I don't know how computers work.

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