Buying recommendation for silent router/fileserver

Nenhum_de_Nos matheus at
Thu Oct 11 18:57:39 UTC 2012

On Thu, October 11, 2012 14:53, Rainer Duffner wrote:
> Am 11.10.2012 um 18:52 schrieb Adam McDougall <mcdouga9 at>:
>> Be wary of the Soekris net6501,
> [
> The Soekris, AFAIK, is an embedded platform.
> It doesn't surprise me the least that it's not good at I/O.

I second that. Tried to use a 6501-70 as file server, and got myself a great deal of work to know
in the end the box was not supposed to be used like that.

An Intel atom mini itx board, powered by similar Atom CPU got faster results, but a huge margin.
For me, the issue is with saturation bus related.

I would not recommend using it, unless its a really small file server.


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