[HEADSUP] zfs root pool mounting

Garrett Cooper yanegomi at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 22:51:26 UTC 2012

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 3:24 AM, Andriy Gapon <avg at freebsd.org> wrote:


> This sounds messy, not sure if it has any informative value.
> I think I've seen something like this after some reason ZFS import from upsteam
> when my kernel and userland were out of sync.
> Do you do a full boot from the livecd?  Or do you boot your kernel but then mount
> userland from the cd?
> In any case, not sure if this is relevan to your main trouble.

I tried booting from a custom kernel, ran into the mountroot prompt
and then chose cd9660:/dev/cd0 instead of zfs:root (my root pool's


> bootfs property should not better.  Multi-pool configurations has been tested
> before the commit.

That's what I thought, but I was unsure...

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