Request for merge into 9.x

Bas Smeelen b.smeelen at
Wed Dec 12 13:52:56 UTC 2012

On 12/12/2012 02:29 PM, Paul Webster wrote:
> Hello I was recently reading about your work on the Ralink 2860, I run
> an EEEPC 1000 at the moment and have always wanted to run freebsd on
> it; however due to the wireless not being supported and a hatred for
> hanging usb dongles handing everywhere; I had to run linux.
> I am no driver developer, but I would love to give your driver a trial
> run on 9.1-RELEASE or -STABLE if easier, I am quite sure once everyone
> with an eeepc realizes we finally have a working wifi card; they will
> be most impressed :)
> as an aside, if you could leave me some simplish instructions on howto
> actually generate the kernel module in 9.0/9.1 -RELEASE I would
> happily report how well it works
> -- paul

There is work going on for this.
You can keep an eye on

Maybe this link can help you

It is on the wiki page also, just onder the tasks table.

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