9.1-RC3 LiveCD missing features

CeDeROM cederom at tlen.pl
Sat Dec 8 07:33:57 UTC 2012

Running fsck -t ufs -fy solved the issue!!


How reliable is new UFS2-SU+J? Are there any journal verification routines
(I heard about some chcecks in the background). Will automatic fsck on boot
force full filesystem checks in any case (like filesystem related kernel
panic will set full filesystem check flag)?

This was the filesystem issue not the hard drive (its new 2TB WD disk
preformatted before use). Having badblocks and other test solutions on the
LiveCD would at least detect some hardware issues I gues, I give +1 for
service/support tools in LiveCD :-)

Best regards :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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