9.1-RC3 LiveCD missing features

CeDeROM cederom at tlen.pl
Fri Dec 7 22:30:13 UTC 2012

Hello Chuck :-)

DD cannot perform non-destructive test.. unless I do dd if=/dev/ada0s2a
of=/dev/ada0s2a :-) Do you think drives are now smart enough to remap
badblocks this way? What is the probability that there are no badblocks or
badblocks are not detected this way?

Which pattern is better for format 0x00 or 0xFF or one after another or
dont care? I think badblocks is quite useful in this case even in
destructive mode..

Btw. I have moved discussion to freebsd-stable , sorry for a mess :-)

Best regards :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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