x220 notes

Ganael LAPLANCHE martymac at FreeBSD.org
Mon Apr 30 11:54:16 UTC 2012

On Mon, 19 Mar 2012 12:03:13 -0700, matt wrote

Hi Matt,

> I'll have to try again without the patch to see if it's 
> Xorg/KMS or FreeBSD base that has changed.

FYI, I've just tried suspend/resume with all.14.5.patch and sources from
2012/04/28, but I still get a black screen on resume :/

Best regards,

Ganael LAPLANCHE <ganael.laplanche at martymac.org>
http://www.martymac.org | http://contribs.martymac.org
FreeBSD: martymac <martymac at FreeBSD.org>, http://www.FreeBSD.org

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