Build error in bin/sh/jobs.c if DEBUG=2

Kristof Provost kristof at
Sun Apr 1 14:14:56 UTC 2012

While chasing down an odd issue with alignment faults I activated
debugging in bin/sh.
bin/sh/Makefile has a commented out line (# DEBUG_FLAGS+= -g -DDEBUG=2
-fno-inline) to do this so that's what I did.

This fails to compile in bin/sh/jobs.c in vforkexecshell().
The debug TRACE() tries to print variables which don't exist.

The patch below fixes the compilation problem, but I'm unsure if it's
printing the relevant information.


diff --git a/bin/sh/jobs.c b/bin/sh/jobs.c
index 335d2ca..9027b8c 100644
--- a/bin/sh/jobs.c
+++ b/bin/sh/jobs.c
@@ -893,8 +893,7 @@ vforkexecshell(struct job *jp, char **argv, char **envp, const char *path, int i
 	struct jmploc jmploc;
 	struct jmploc *savehandler;
-	TRACE(("vforkexecshell(%%%td, %p, %d) called\n", jp - jobtab, (void *)n,
-	    mode));
+	TRACE(("vforkexecshell(%%%td, %d) called\n", jp - jobtab, idx));
 	savehandler = handler;

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