bind fails with sig11 on start / pthread failure on ARM?

Olivier Houchard mlfbsd at
Fri Feb 19 16:49:03 UTC 2010

> Strange:

Not so much, the first values for ras_start/end were chosen to be immediate
values, so you could just mov them, but the new one aren't.
Try something like the patch attached instead (untested, I have no arm setup
here, but you'll get the idea).


-------------- next part --------------
Index: contrib/bind9/lib/isc/arm/include/isc/atomic.h
--- contrib/bind9/lib/isc/arm/include/isc/atomic.h	(revision 203777)
+++ contrib/bind9/lib/isc/arm/include/isc/atomic.h	(working copy)
@@ -49,26 +49,22 @@
 static inline isc_int32_t
 isc_atomic_cmpxchg(isc_int32_t *p, isc_int32_t cmpval, isc_int32_t val)
-	register int done, ras_start;
+	register int done, ras_start = #0xffff1004;
 	__asm __volatile("1:\n"
 	    "adr	%1, 1b\n"
-	    "mov	%0, #0xe0000004\n"
 	    "str	%1, [%0]\n"
-	    "mov	%0, #0xe0000008\n"
 	    "adr	%1, 2f\n"
-	    "str	%1, [%0]\n"
+	    "str	%1, [%0, #4]\n"
 	    "ldr	%1, [%2]\n"
 	    "cmp	%1, %3\n"
 	    "streq	%4, [%2]\n"
 	    "mov	%3, #0\n"
-	    "mov	%0, #0xe0000004\n"
 	    "str	%3, [%0]\n"
 	    "mov	%3, #0xffffffff\n"
-	    "mov	%0, #0xe0000008\n"
-	    "str	%3, [%0]\n"
-	    : "=r" (ras_start), "=r" (done)
+	    "str	%3, [%0, #4]\n"
+	    : "+r" (ras_start), "=r" (done)
 	    ,"+r" (p), "+r" (cmpval), "+r" (val) : : "memory");
 	return (done);

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