vidcontrol / resolution problems with latest current

Marc UBM Bocklet ubm.freebsd at
Mon Feb 1 17:44:50 UTC 2010

Hiho! :-)

Recently, I updated to the latest version of 9-current and found out
that I cannot set my console resolution to 800x600 anymore. 
If I try, it just goes blank or shows a few coloured, garbled lines in 
the upper third of my monitor. Starting X11 blindly works, as does
switching to X11.

I'm suspecting the recent tty/xterm changes, but I am not sure.

uname -a:

FreeBSD xxx.yyy 9.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #17: Sat
Jan 23 14:58:47 CET 2010
sheep at  i386

Relevant part of my rc.conf that I used to set console to 800x600:

allscreens_flags="-g 100x37 VESA_800x600"

Relevant kernel option that I use:

# VESA support

options         VESA  

# raster display support for 800x600 resolution

options         SC_PIXEL_MODE

Can anyone point me to a solution / is more info required?


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