trying to use xz on manuals.

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Tue Dec 7 19:10:31 UTC 2010

On Dec 6, 2010, at 11:30 PM, Alex Kozlov wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 06, 2010 at 10:50:44PM -0800, Tim Kientzle wrote:
>> It might make sense if XZ decompression were significantly
>> faster than GZip decompression.  (Especially since man pages
>> are decompressed much more often than they are compressed.)
> It's not.

Agreed, gzip is faster than XZ, but for manpages the difference is so small that a human won't notice any difference.  The slowest machine I have around is a Pentium III @ 933 MHz, and it's getting (typical results from 5 trials, on a FreeBSD 7.4-PRERELEASE system) shows:

$ time gzcat CC.1.gz > /dev/null
real	0m0.021s
user	0m0.013s
sys	0m0.007s

$ time xzcat CC.1.xz > /dev/null
real	0m0.063s
user	0m0.055s
sys	0m0.007s


PS: I installed bash just to get millisecond-accuracy for the timing.  :-)  Is there any way to convince the default /bin/sh or /usr/bin/time to output the same...?

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