why GNU grep is fast

Sean C. Farley scf at FreeBSD.org
Mon Aug 23 01:37:15 UTC 2010

On Sun, 22 Aug 2010, Tim Kientzle wrote:

> On Aug 22, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Sean C. Farley wrote:
>> On Sun, 22 Aug 2010, Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
>>> Mike Haertel <mike at ducky.net> writes:
>>>> GNU grep uses the well-known Boyer-Moore algorithm, which looks 
>>>> first for the final letter of the target string, and uses a lookup 
>>>> table to tell it how far ahead it can skip in the input whenever it 
>>>> finds a non-matching character.
>>> Boyer-Moore is for fixed search strings.  I don't see how that 
>>> optimization can work with a regexp search unless the regexp is so 
>>> simple that you break it down into a small number of cases with 
>>> known length and final character.
>> When I was working on making FreeGrep faster (years ago), I wrote 
>> down a few notes about possible algorithms, especially those that 
>> could be useful for fgrep functionality.  I am just passing these 
>> onto the list.
>> Some algorithms:
>> 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aho-Corasick_string_matching_algorithm
>> 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabin-Karp_string_search_algorithm
>> 3. GNU fgrep:  Commentz-Walter
>> 4. GLIMPSE:  http://webglimpse.net/pubs/TR94-17.pdf (Boyer-Moore variant)
>> Also, this may be a useful book:
>> http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~gnavarro/FPMbook/
> And of course, Russ Cox' excellent series of articles starting at:
>  http://swtch.com/~rsc/regexp/regexp1.html

I saved that link from an E-mail earlier because it looked very 

> Later on, he summarizes some of the existing implementations, 
> including comments about the Plan 9 implementation and his own RE2, 
> both of which efficiently handle international text (which seems to be 
> a major concern of Gabor's).

I believe Gabor is considering TRE for a good replacement regex library.

> The key comment in Mike's GNU grep notes is the one about not breaking 
> into lines.  That's simply double-scanning the input; instead, run the 
> matcher over blocks of text and, when it finds a match, work backwards 
> from the match to find the appropriate line beginning.  This is 
> efficient because most lines don't match.

I do like the idea.

> Boyer-Moore is great for fixed strings (a very common use case for 
> grep) and for more complex patterns that contain long fixed strings 
> (helps to discard most lines early).  Sophisticated regex matchers 
> implement a number of strategies and choose different ones depending 
> on the pattern.

That is what fastgrep (in bsdgrep) attempts to accomplish with very 
simply regex lines (beginning of line, end of line and dot).

> In the case of bsdgrep, it might make sense to use the regex library 
> for the general case but implement a hand-tuned search for fixed 
> strings that can be heavily optimized for that case.  Of course, 
> international text support complicates the picture; you have to 
> consider the input character set (if you want to auto-detect Unicode 
> encodings by looking for leading BOMs, for example, you either need to 
> translate the fixed-string pattern to match the input encoding or 
> vice-versa).

BTW, the fastgrep portion of bsdgrep is my fault/contribution to do a 
faster search bypassing the regex library.  :)  It certainly was not 
written with any encodings in mind; it was purely ASCII.  As I have not 
kept up with it, I do not know if anyone improved it or not.

scf at FreeBSD.org

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