8.0RC1: Eclipse build failed

Boris Hollas boris.hollas at gmx.de
Tue Sep 29 21:10:46 UTC 2009

I tried to install eclipse from ports. After I've installed java, make  
stops with lots of error messages:

at line 59)
     [javac] 	public SignedContent getSignedContent(Bundle bundle) throws  
IOException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException,  
CertificateException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException;
     [javac] NoSuchAlgorithmException cannot be resolved to a type
     [javac] ----------
     [javac] 12629. ERROR in  
(at line 59)
     [javac] 	public SignedContent getSignedContent(Bundle bundle) throws  
IOException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException,  
CertificateException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException;
     [javac] NoSuchProviderException cannot be resolved to a type
     [javac] ----------
     [javac] ----------
     [javac] 12630. ERROR in  
(at line 13)
     [javac] 	import java.security.cert.Certificate;
     [javac] 	       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     [javac] The import java.security cannot be resolved
     [javac] ----------
     [javac] 12631. ERROR in  
(at line 29)
     [javac] 	public Certificate[] getCertificateChain();
     [javac] 	       ^^^^^^^^^^^
     [javac] Certificate cannot be resolved to a type
     [javac] ----------
     [javac] 12632. ERROR in  
(at line 36)
     [javac] 	public Certificate getTrustAnchor();
     [javac] 	       ^^^^^^^^^^^
     [javac] Certificate cannot be resolved to a type
     [javac] ----------
     [javac] 12633. ERROR in  
(at line 50)
     [javac] 	public String getMessageDigestAlgorithm();
     [javac] 	       ^^^^^^
     [javac] String cannot be resolved to a type
     [javac] ----------
     [javac] 12633 problems (12633 errors)

/usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/build.xml:78: The following error occurred  
while executing this line:
/usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/build.xml:8: The following error occurred  
while executing this line:
/usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/features/org.eclipse.sdk/build.xml:39: The  
following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/features/org.eclipse.sdk/build.xml:17: The  
following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/features/org.eclipse.help/build.xml:95: The  
following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/features/org.eclipse.help/build.xml:82: The  
following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/features/org.eclipse.rcp/build.xml:149: The  
following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/features/org.eclipse.rcp/build.xml:15: The  
following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi/build.xml:217: The  
following error occurred while executing this line:
Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 47 seconds
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/java/eclipse.

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