libvgl and keymap (Was: [regression] libvgl and r197330 (kbd))

Anonymous swell.k at
Fri Sep 25 07:57:20 UTC 2009

Ed Schouten <ed at> writes:
> Anonymous <swell.k at> wrote:
>> You're right, rebuilding devel/sdl12 fixes the issue. It works like
>> before r197330. The keymap is still messed up while playing.
> You're saying "still messed up". Does that mean it was also broken
> before my commit? I'm interested to know whether I broke stuff.

No, it existed before r197330, too. I guess I should file a PR rather
than bothering you with some random issue related to keyboard.

Anonymous <swell.k at> wrote:
> I'm using custom keymap (based on dvorak).

Same on default keymap. I'm using ukbd(4) without kbdmux(4).
I don't have AT keyboard around to test.

> However, keyboard never worked correctly for me in vgl way before
> x86emu and up to this commit.

IIRC, the first time I bumped into it was several years ago on i386.

> So, it was really tricky to quit sdl apps with messed up keymap.

I think space key acts like `/'-key because pressing it in mplayer
lowers volume. This doesn't happen when using SDL under X11.

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