Apparent console regressions in -current

Doug Barton dougb at
Mon Oct 19 05:16:46 UTC 2009


I was trying to debug an unrelated problem today and noticed what
appear to be some console regressions. I'm running r198216 i386 SMP
with no local patches.

The two things I tried doing were using less(1) on a group of files
and running 'make config' on a port. In the first case it would
display a few files (small ones, less than one screenful) but after 4
or 5 files the display would stop about 1/2 way down the screen. I use
less with the following environment string if it helps:
LESS='-eiFP?f%f .?n?m(file %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\:

Doing 'make config' in ports uses dialog, which exhibited the same
basic problem, the 1/3 to 1/2 of the display would have the output
from dialog and the rest would be blank. The specific port was
emulators/virtualbox but I tried a few others and got the same result.

Doing both of these things works in an xterm (roxterm to be specific)
so it seems to be a console issue. My kernel config is pretty close to
GENERIC with a bunch of stuff removed. The only thing even vaguely
console-related is 'options VESA' but I don't have anything custom
configured for my console except keybell="visual" in /etc/rc.conf.



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