bsdtar lockup on Current-03/10/2009

Tim Kientzle kientzle at
Tue Mar 10 23:42:00 PDT 2009

Anonymous wrote:
> Paul Wootton <paul at> writes:
>>Im also using ZFS and have the same problems as Peg when trying to create a
>>tar file.
>>This is using Current as of last yesterday (09-mar-09).
> I'm not sure but in my case ktrace shows extattr_list_link() before the lockup.
> So, for a workaround I disabled extattr support in libarchive. Can you verify that
> this helps you, too?

Please try this, which will poke that same system
call in a different way:

  rm -f foo foolink
  touch foo
  ln -s foo foolink
  lsextattr -h user foolink
  lsextattr -h user foo
  setextattr user test test foo
  lsextattr -h user foolink
  lsextattr -h user foo
  setextattr user test test foolink
  lsextattr -h user foolink

I'm especially curious about the processor and
filesystem you're using when you see these problems.



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