Seeking Code Reviewer for FreeBSD Grant

Michael David Crawford mdc at
Tue Mar 10 10:51:43 PDT 2009

Hi Again,

I'm writing up an application for a FreeBSD Foundation Grant.  There is 
a pool of $30,000 that will be divided among the developers whose 
proposals to improve or extend FreeBSD are deemed 1337 enough:

Unfortunately, the proposal deadline is today, but I only found out 
about the grant program yesterday!  I've had my particular project 
planned for some time, but my grant proposal is having to be written in 
quite a hurry.

One of the requirements is that I must name a well-known FreeBSD 
developer who will review my source code.  You would be paid for your 
efforts out of my grant, so my proposal also must include a budget for 
your review work.

The project I'm proposing is something I was going to do anyway, but if 
I can get a grant, I could devote more of my time to my project, get it 
done sooner, and possibly do a better job than I could without the grant.

The project I plan, if successful, would *definitely* benefit the 
FreeBSD community.  Existing FreeBSD users could do more with it, and it 
would encourage the adoption of FreeBSD by those who haven't used it before.

My code reviewer will have the privilege of reading the most meticulous, 
efficient, debugged and *tested* source code Known to Man.  I have 
*very* high standards for my work.

Unfortunately, my very first foray into FreeBSD was just last night when 
I did an anonymous Subversion checkout of the head sources.  I'm still 
working on my first actual system installation.  Perhaps by late tonight 
I will have built and booted my first kernel.

So there's also a good chance that, while my code may be Correct, it 
could be Clueless as well. :-D

If you'd like to my reviewer, please email me off-list, I'll let you 
know what I'm proposing to do.  I don't want to actually say in public 
until the FreeBSD Foundation has had a chance to look over my grant 

I've been a software engineer for twenty-one years, and have a very 
diverse background, but the closest I've come to FreeBSD before last 
night is working with Mac OS X since 2002, as well as the old SunOS back 
in the 80's.


Michael David Crawford
mdc at - We Don't Assume You Are Stupid.

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