dtrace users opinion solicited (timestamps)

Andriy Gapon avg at freebsd.org
Thu Jul 9 17:31:16 UTC 2009

As you might be aware DTrace timestamps right now are derived from TSC value.

DTrace timestamps are measured in nano-seconds and the formula similar to the
following is used for calculations:
rdtsc() * 1000000000 / tsc_freq
where rdtsc is a function that returns current TSC value and tsc_freq is a
frequency of TSC.

This formula is supposed to produce proper results if tsc_freq stays constant.
But there are environment where this might not be the case.
If a CPU has a non-invariant TSC and processor's clock frequency changes (e.g.
because of powerd), then tsc_freq changes too.
As a result, the formula would produce wildly different values and, most
importantly, was values would non be monotonic. Timestamp values that jump back
and forth would not only be useless for a user, they would also confuse DTrace
internal logic.

There are at least the following two alternatives:

1. Keep things as they are and warn users not to change CPU clock frequency when
they use DTrace and the CPU doesn't have invariant TSC. I think that this should
cause only minor inconveniences to a portion of DTrace users.

2. Use raw TSC value as a DTrace timestamp and document this difference from the
original DTrace. Advantage: timestamp value is always monotonic. Disadvantage:
manual conversion is needed to get "real" time (using the same formula).
Please note that in this case timestamps would be in non-linear time dimension if
TSC frequency changes, so to get meaningful timestamps (when needed/important) one
would still have to make sure that TSC frequency stay constant.

Please share your opinion on these approaches.
Or suggest yest another alternative.

Just in case, related sysctls:

Andriy Gapon

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