Some notes on RootOnZFS article in wiki

Derek (freebsd lists) 482254ac at
Mon Dec 21 18:12:03 UTC 2009

Mel Flynn wrote:
> 1) You cannot use the install CD. It doesn't have a livefs and so you can 
> never do the actual install in 2.2. The DVD will work and the USB image. I 
> ended up using the livefs CD and the USB image, cause I didn't want to loose 
> the work I already did.

If it's any consolation, I ended up using the livefs CD + 
-memstick image as well.

I later found out that you only need the -memstick image.  If you 
go to Fixit/USB, you may get a "No devices found" message.   If 
you get that, you should then go to Options/Re-scan devices, and 
then go to Fixit/USB.

 From there, I was golden.

- Derek

Related PR: bin/140972

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