ps -axl during textdumps occasionally segfaults with a HUGE ps.core

Bruce Cran bruce at
Mon Aug 17 22:33:31 UTC 2009

On Sat, 15 Aug 2009 14:20:43 +0100
Bruce Cran <bruce at> wrote:

> I managed to get a full backtrace and can at least see what's causing
> the crash: it seems it's stepping past the nlist array and calls
> vsnprintf with a bad argument. kvm_nlist returns -1 to report that the
> symbol table couldn't be read, but the code assumes it has returned a
> positive number to indicate that there's an invalid entry, so it
> starts searching for that entry where n_type is 0.

I've submitted a bug report for this - it's

Bruce Cran

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