HEADS UP: rebuild all modules on 8.x (was: Re: 'sysctl -a | less' crashes -current)

Robert Watson rwatson at FreeBSD.org
Fri Apr 24 09:17:16 UTC 2009

On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Gary Jennejohn wrote:

> [sysctl -a causes a crash dump]
> I saw this yesterday also.  It turned out that I had an old kqemu.ko
> loaded.  Removing it eliminated the crash.
> If you're using modules, especially from ports, then make sure they're 
> up-to-date with your kernel sources.
> I got the idea for this from a mail which Robert Watson posted.

I admit some confusion here: the size of a key data structure changed, and so 
I changed __FreeBSD_version, which in principle should also prevent old 
modules from being loaded (or at least, lots of people complain because 
FreeBSD version bumps prevent old modules from being loaded :-).  Anyone who 
has *not* rebuilt their modules since this change should do so:

   SVN rev 191267 on 2009-04-19 11:20:57Z by rwatson

   Garbage collect now-unused struct malloc_type fields, bump __FreeBSD_version
   as kernel modules will need to be rebuilt.  These fields existed to support
   binary compatibility with kernel modules from before the introduction of
   libmemstat(3) in FreeBSD 6.x, so they are no longer required.

I'll add a note to updating, but am confused about why the safety belts we 
have in place to force module recompiles in this situation haven't done the 
trick.  Could we be dealing with straggling modules built before that was 
added, or modules not built with our standard modules build parts?  I've CC'd 
John since he did the __FreeBSD_version-related changes, which I may simply 
have misunderstood.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

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