minor annoyance with usb transition (or pilot error)

Marc UBM Bocklet ubm at u-boot-man.de
Sun Apr 19 12:00:03 UTC 2009

Hiho! :-)

I'm in the process of upgrading to the latest -current (I'm currently
running -current as of 02. Jan. 2009).

I was using the new usb stack with the 02. Jan. -current and
consequently had to change my kernel config back to the old usb naming
scheme (after changing to the temporary new usb naming scheme in

While doing this, "device ugen" caused my kernconf to fail, I
had to comment it out. Including "device udbp" makes buildkernel fail
(I can reproduce this and post the error, but I believe this is known).

I was wondering if UPDATING should mention that device ugen is no
longer needed (if thats the case), else people using their old kernel
config will have it fail until they comment "device ugen" out.

Of course, all this might also just be some stupid mistake on my
part? :-)


"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

W.B. Yeats, The Second Coming

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