Claws-mail - core dumped

Zahemszky Gabor gabor at
Fri Sep 7 09:23:12 PDT 2007


Are there anybody out there, who can use - either the old (2.10) or the new 
(3.0) version of Claws-Mail n CURRENT? I used it from 1st January without 
any problem, but 2 or 3 weeks ago, it once dumped core, and since then, I 
cannot write letter with it. I can start it, I can read (and download) my 
mails from the server, but pressing the "New mail" or the "Reply" button 
generates a core dump. I tried it with old mails in ~/Mail and with the 
original ~/.claws-mail , and with/out the one or the other, doesn't matter. 
I recompiled it (recursively with portmaster -f ), upgraded it, the same. 

Anybody has any clue? 

Thanks, Zahy < Gabor at Zahemszky dot HU > 

PS: one of my CURRENT-running friends tried it. Installed it, and get the 
same -> sending mail generates a core.

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