kthreads->kproc and back to kthread.. next patch

Ivan Voras ivoras at freebsd.org
Mon Oct 22 18:16:11 PDT 2007

On 23/10/2007, Julian Elischer <julian at elischer.org> wrote:

> If you wanted to limit CPU usage for a particular group of threads it
> may be worth grouping them into a process and then you could have
> some control over them with 'nice'.

Kernel processes can be niced? Nice :) So, for example, in theory I
could renice a geli thread that I don't want to eat much of my CPU
from the userland?

> The AIO threads need to be processes because each of them needs
> a different address space that can be hacked to cover the address space of the
> process they are working for.

Ok, this is why we used kprocs for them...

> The Idle threads couldbe in their own process so you can easily see how much cpu idle..

> There are many other reasons you may want to group kernel threads.
> for example a single process with all teh interrupt threads in it might
> be useful for accounting for interupts in some ways.

So, mostly cosmetics :)

(don't get me wrong, I have nothing against kthreads<->kprocs :) )

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