A panic with the latest...

Randall Stewart rrs at cisco.com
Tue Jan 16 23:01:24 UTC 2007


I updated everything this AM.. and just
got around to rebuilding my XEON machine
(Dell 2.8 gig .. hyperthreaded).

Built a witness kernel (I have been running
with that lately).. and rebooted it...

It never came back.. so out to the barn to check
on it.. and I see:

panic: lock(htploc) sleep mutex does not match earlier(spin mutex) lock

Anyone ever see this yet?

I am rebuilding with a non-witness (invariants only) kernel.. and
see if that boots :-)

Randall Stewart
NSSTG - Cisco Systems Inc.
803-345-0369 <or> 803-317-4952 (cell)

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