what does _eprol mean and how is it compututed

Dan Nelson dnelson at allantgroup.com
Fri Feb 23 15:56:12 UTC 2007

In the last episode (Feb 23), Mayank Kumar said:
> Cool, thnks for the information. That's exactly what I was looking
> for. But the cvs webaccess shows me crt0.c which actually contains
> _eprol and _etext. Anyways I now understand what eprol means.

Which URL are you looking at?
http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/lib/csu/i386-elf/ shows
crt1.c.  i386/crt0.c was for a.out binaries, and FreeBSD has used elf
since 3.0 (in 1998), and the file has since been deleted.  It looks
like most of the 5.x releases did have a leftover crt0.c, but 5.x can't
even generate a.out binaries so the file is not used.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at allantgroup.com

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