Panic when loading snd_ich.

Ariff Abdullah ariff at
Fri Apr 6 04:17:51 UTC 2007

On Thu, 05 Apr 2007 13:08:55 -0400
Sean Bryant <sean at> wrote:
> Are you still interested in seeing a panic or strange behavior with
> the  snd_ich driver?
The later, as in "attach/reset failed" or "interrupt time out channel
dead". Take note that snd_ich itself is virtually unchanged since past
few months, except few obvious tiny memory leak fixes (I think I've
said this twice). Why it suddenly break now is kind of mystery to me.

> I decided to load it up so I could give you a better report on what
> the  error is. And my usb keyboard just kinda stopped working.
> I tried to reproduce it and it didn't happen, i thought it was a
> fluke.  Then I played around for a bit and I tried to load it up
> again, and boom  it happened again.  I can't seem to figure out a
> pattern, but I'm going  to get an ps/2 keyboard so I can give more
> detailed information but if  this little bit helps great.
My suggestion (brute force way), go back to full March 16 sources, and
start moving forward step by step from that point. Other people are
doing this as well, painstakingly, to investigate simmilar issues. It
could be because of recent ACPI import, bus related changes, etc.

Ariff Abdullah

... Recording in stereo is obviously too advanced
    and confusing for us idiot ***** users :P ........
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