Retrieving info from panics while in X

Jos Backus jos at
Fri Sep 1 10:10:52 PDT 2006

On Fri, Sep 01, 2006 at 03:15:24PM +0100, Robert Watson wrote:
> The typical approaches are:
> (1) Set up a serial console and use that for debugger work; alternatively, 
> use
>     a firewire console.
> (2) Set up the system not to entre the debugger, but just to panic and dump
>     core.

I'll go with this for now to see if I can get some useful information about
this particular crash type this weekend.

> I prefer the first of those options, myself, since I find the DDB debugging 
> environment extremely useful, especially since it's quite aware of things 
> like the kernel lock environment, etc.

Yeah, DDB is pretty nice. I'll have to dig for a serial cable which is
probably in storage somewhere. If the saved core doesn't appoach doesn't work
(although, there should be enough room in swap on this system) I'll try that.

Having the ability to reliably switch video modes and drop into the debugger
in text mode would increase the number of bug reports because typically that's
where most desktop users spend their time. I do realize it is non-trivial as
it requires the kernel to keep track of and be able to switch video modes,
something the X server does today.

Thanks Robert.

> Robert N M Watson
> Computer Laboratory
> University of Cambridge

Jos Backus
jos at

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