Optional mmap(2) support for geom(4) providers

Maxim Sobolev sobomax at FreeBSD.org
Mon May 15 10:01:10 PDT 2006

Ivan Voras wrote:
> Maxim Sobolev wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to extend md(4) with support for mmap(4) operations, 
>> however it's interfaced to the world via geom_dev(4), which doesn't 
>> provide mmap pass-through interface. Is it intentional or not? Are you 
>> willing to accept the patches if I do the actual work?
> Just an opinion: It would probably be more useful to implement mmap at a 
> lower level (GEOM) so all devices can use it.

I am not sure that I understand what do you mean. In the case of md(4) 
mmap makes huge sense, since for preloaded images your disk in fact is 
just range of kernel memory, so that doing mmap is trivial.


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