Fine-grained locking for POSIX local sockets (UNIX domain sockets)

Paul Allen nospam at
Fri May 12 17:16:00 UTC 2006

>From Peter Jeremy <peterjeremy at>, Fri, May 12, 2006 at 07:02:20PM +1000:
> On Fri, 2006-May-12 10:03:22 +0200, Sten Daniel Srsdal wrote:
> >How about making the scheduler insert the current time into something
> >resembling in functionality of a cpu local variable (register? cache
> >area?) whenever there is a context switch by the scheduler. Then
> >whenever you need the current time the userland application would read
> >it off this cpu local variable/holy area requiring no additional context
> >switch.
> Normally, context switches occur quite frequently (my mostly idle
> laptop is reporting 550-650 context switches/second whilst I type
> this) - probably more so than gettimeofday() calls.  Whilst this
> approach saves a system call to read the time, you are probably paying
> for lots more microtime() calls - which are not inexpensive on
> FreeBSD.
Yes doing this at the scheduler level is a mistake--at least depending on
what you mean by the 'current time'.  How many programs do you use that 
make frequent time calls?  Actually not many.  What we would see is an
example of a horrible micro-optimization.  Benchmarking the time would
seem better and every other workload would be worse.

> That was the main reason for my suggestion that magic page (your "cpu
> local variable/holy area") be left unmapped with the microtime() call
> (and other per-timeslice initialisation) occurring on the first call
> to gettimeofday() in that timeslice.  (Much like the npx is handled).
This idea has a lot of merit.  We just need to move on to something more
concrete now so as to test our theory.  One question is whether or not
we first just make a general vsyscall as is done on linux.

Can you tell me more about how npx is handled?


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