[patch] NetBSD disklabel support for geom_bsd

Paul Mather paul at gromit.dlib.vt.edu
Sat Mar 18 01:22:15 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-03-18 at 02:48 +0200, Dmitry Pryanishnikov wrote:

> >> 1. NetBSD's 'c' partition describes NetBSD slice (always?).
> >> 2. NetBSD's 'd' partition describes the whole HDD (always?).

Just to clear up matters, I wasn't saying your patch did anything wrong,
I only sought to provide counterexamples to the above two points you
raised (as you'd suffixed them with question marks).  In other words, I
just wanted to show a concrete example of a valid NetBSD disklabel where
the "d" partition did not cover the whole HDD, and that there isn't
always the notion of a "slice" in all NetBSD architectures.

I don't know if the "d" partition not covering the entire HDD affects
the logic of your patch, or whether it is only the "c" partition that is
important.  (Hopefully, it is the latter.)

BTW, kudos for working on this.  I agree that it would be nice to make
NetBSD partitions more amenable to use under FreeBSD.


e-mail: paul at gromit.dlib.vt.edu

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